Cookies |Chapter 66

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The scene Jungkook saw when he first opened his eyes was the blonde sleeping next to him with his arm wrapped around his chest

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The scene Jungkook saw when he first opened his eyes was the blonde sleeping next to him with his arm wrapped around his chest. He rubbed his eyes softly and adjusted with the surrounding. He yawned a little and stared at the older's handsome face, who looked like a baby; with his left cheek pressed on the pillow which appeared fluffy. Eyes closed, lips pressed together and forming a pout, and the blond locks falling on his forehead and on the pillow.

Jungkook smiled a little and ran his fingers over his blonde hair, pushing them behind. He unwrapped the older's hand around him and shifted a little.

But he hissed as his back side touched the bed. He cursed and looked at the blonde who was sleeping soundly, but shifting his position. He can't believe that the older looks so cute like a baby while sleeping.

"How can ne sleep so soundly after giving me pain? Can't believe he is the same person who broke my coccyx. Ouch...." he murmured and murdered the older with his piercing gaze.

A small deep chuckle was heard which made him look at Taehyung again. "Y-you are awake?" Jungkook asked.

"Just woke up with your cursing." Taehyung replied and gave many signs that he is gonna get up soon.

"Its your fault. You didn't even gave me a painkiller before going to sleep. And look at me, how much I took care of you last time." Jungkook complained to the male who set up and stretched his arms.

"As if I didn't try to wake you up." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You are always a heavy sleeper. Once you get to sleep, no one can wake you up. I called you many times but you didn't even bother to give me a single hum in response." He added and picked up the strip of painkiller from the nightstand and a glass of water. "See, I had brought it from the medicine box outside."

"Oh....." Jungkook pouted and tried to sit properly. "Ouch..." he winched with pain again.

Taehyung pressed his lips together not to laugh. "Hey! Don't you dare laugh at me." But as he heard Jungkook yelling at him, he couldn't hold and burst.

"Hahaha....where is the confidence Kookie? You were saying you can take me without limping tomorrow? Now look at you." Taehyung teased him as the younger slowly stood up.

"I can, but you were too harsh." Jungkook complained.

"And who was the one who asked me to go the way I wanted to? Who was the one who was under my mercy and begging like....oh please Tae.....please!" Taehyung chuckled again.

"Wait for my turn. You gonna regret it so badly Tae!" Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue and replied.

"Yeah...yeah....we will see." The blonde stood up and supported the younger. "For now, let me take you to washroom. Freshen up and I will prepare a warm bath for you." He added and pecked his lips.

Jungkook pouted a little but melted in the peck, turning it into a soft kiss and parted. "Okay." He mumbled and both of them walked inside the washroom.

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