Moment of Happiness |Chapter 58

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Morning had arrived

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Morning had arrived. It was 7:30, a little late than usual. Jungkook was the first one to shift a little in sleep and open his eyes to check the time. The first thing he saw was him sleeping straight with Taehyung's left leg above his own and arm wrapped around his waist. His head resting on his shoulder and Jungkook's left hand circled around his waist. He could feel it inside the blanket. What a beautiful morning, he thought and smiled. He recalled the last night incidents and blushed. He couldn't believe that this attractive male belongs to him now.

He lifted his head and turned towards right to check the time on the digital clock kept on the night stand. He sighed in contentment as he had slept well. He looked at Taehyung once again. He placed a tender kiss on his temple and decided to stay in same position to not disturb and let him sleep more.

His eyes kept admiring him till the next fifteen minutes. The blonde seemed to be shifting and groaning in sleep. It was more like a sign that he will wake up soon.

The blonde unwrapped the arm around Jungkook and rubbed the back of his wrist over his still closed eyes. The room had no sign of sun light, as the curtains were closed and he sun was not early due to cold and cloudy weather. We can expect the first snow fall soon. He opened his eyes and looked around. His eyes raised up to see a smiling Jungkook, who now started making circles on his back. "Good morning Hyungie~" he whispered in a ruspy voice and shifted towards left, just to wrap both of his arms around him and pulled him closer to his chest. "Morning Kookie~" Taehyung replied and rubbed his nose against his chest, now pressing his right cheek on it and feeling the warmth of his soft milkey skin.

"Are you feeling well?" He asked and got a hum in response. "You can take more rest. I shall take bath and cook something for you. Is it ok?" He asked.

"No more sleepy~" Taehyung replied and snuggled closer.

"Ok. Wanna take bath?" He asked.

"Yes. With you." The blonde breathed out kissing his chest.

"That is great." Jungkook replied tugging the older's blonde strands behind.

Taehyung was fully up now. He unwrapped his arms around Jungkook and stretched his arms up, yawning a little. Jungkook got up from the bed and decided to freshen up before helping Taehyung. Once he was done, he came and folded the blanket, keeping it aside. Taehyung's body shivered as he felt chills on his skin at the lack of warmth. He set up but hissed slowly.

"Is it hurting?" Jungkook asked concerning as he walked closer to him, wrapping a towel around his waist, throwing one on Taehyung's lap to cover him and cupped his cheeks with both the hands.

"Not really. It was a good decision to give me meds last night." He smiled and Jungkook pecked his lips in response. He closed his eyes in contentment and hugged te other's torso as the parted.

Taehyung sighed loudly and said, "Lets take bath now. I would love to see how your bathroom looks like."

"Haha.....well. Hope you love it it is pretty normal actually."

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