Chapter 27 - Rescue

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"They are here!" One of the marines yelled out as they fired on the swarm that crowding and infesting their location. As the many webbing and attempts on getting to them had left a hazardous place for not just for the marines but, also for the spiders. As many splintered and sharp objects were scattered all around the surrounding environment. Yet despite all of that the rescuers were making progress from the looks of it as heard the multiple gun shots that were erupting from the distance which told them that they had reinforcement coming. 

"No one dies!" One of them yelled out as they stabbed at the abdomen of the creature and soon enough saw the tell tale signs of it becoming stiff before falling downwards only to be replace by multiple legs who started to stab at whoever was closest only to draw blood as one of the nearby gunners was hit by one of the flailing legs but, despite that fired towards the many spiders in front of its sights which ripped into the monsters with ease and quickly flatlining several of the massive spiders with ease.

Thought she would be pulled out by her comrades soon enough as more of the spiders quickly went on to thrust their sharp legs towards the gunner's previous position. While one of the free soldiers fired at the spiders from the gunner's view quickly clearing it only to be replaced by the others. "They're endless!" One of them yelled out only to hear their vice captain to come in. "We hold don't let Alexa's sacrifice be in vain!" He yelled out knowing that the hope and the promise was what keeping them hopeful. As despite the mounting casualties and the hopeless situation that they were in fact going to survive. "Trust the commander!" He yelled out as he pointed his handgun towards the looming threat and fired. "BELIEVE THE CAPTAIN!" He continued as while he was still pale and was still in dire need of medical aid he fired on believing that Alexa will come back to rescue them in the end.

As embolden by their captain's cry for one last stand that they would return in kind. As they would slowly hold as the spiders pierce the entrances with their erratic but, concentrated attempts to rip into their fortifications and drag them towards them to their nest above the tree line where they were to be gorged and killed off by the seemingly endless numbers that they flooded with. Yet as the snapping of bark and the crashing of splinters it was clear that the colorful terrors were getting closer towards them. With those still capable of unrestricted movement preparing to descend upon the spiders with their bolos and knifes in an desperate charge to repel the horde but, for now stood watch of the massive insects relentless drive to consume them all. 

As bit by bit they were starting to crawl their way towards them only to be greeted by the warm hospitality of the defenders via bullets and blades with those that were still weak to fire at the kill zone that they made within the firing position as once the first of the spiders came in that they would be met with several bullets before their bodies ultimately became a obstacle for its kin who were trying to get to the humans. Only to ravage the one blocking the path only to be replied with a bullet in kind as the gunners did their best to keep them in bay knowing that they were itching closer and closer to their strong room where they were all going to do their best to survive in until their rescue ultimately rescue them all.

Opting to return to the previously hastily built panic rooms that saved them last time which was now made better with work and a proper plan. As instead of placing a bark on top of them that they used in the past they had created a room that had enough room and a way to communicate with one another. This allowed them a clear way to avoid the spiders and allow for a means to keep morale high. As when the spiders gotten further in that two of the defenders would soon enough come in to its side and slash at the part where the legs connected making its leg straighten up before they hacked at the cephalothorax severing its connection to its legs and soon enough cause it to stop moving as the liquids that was suppose to flow towards its legs were prevented causing it to be drag behind be the others. 

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