Chapter 1 - FEAT'S OF UNITY (Modern)

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In the ruins of what was the once the prosperous port city of Manila, the retrofit for the Tamaraw has begun to take shape, the capital ship of what was once the Philippines in the world beyond.

A vessel salvaged by the many ships sunk in the wars of old and fuelled with whatever was left of their gas reserves. While its hull was a mixture of aluminium and steel from the wrecks of all the patches and made to withstand a shell or two from other vessels within the forming evacuation fleet destined to a world unlike their own. 

Its size being that of a frigate whose purpose was to be the command vessel for the various militia fleet that would follow it towards the new world. As lots of ships were being improved and made to get better for what they could encounter within the new world. Thought while it was merely a dot in the forming armada it was clear that out of all the other ships it was the best and also the best fit for such a title. One to lead them towards the new world safety and coordinate and even provide a semblance of law and order within this new world. 

"Looks like they're preparing for a war." A man said as he looked at the mess of people crowding within the port. All of them weary and yearning for a new life outside of this blasted rock. As the black lifeless sea crash into the sea walls threatening to submerge the ship yard just like the cities before hand. As shells of all kinds were being loaded into the storage for what could come in such a world and within as he knew that once they got to land the chances of guns pointing at them were quite large hence, the stockpile of weapons. As he would look at the state of their troops weary but, happy since enlistment and battle credit had earned them and their families a spot within the vessel itself one was the better then the conditions of the barges that the ship had to carry with it through troubled and calm waters. 

"Its not like we can use them here." Another replied as he stepped with him towards the deck as he sighed at the mess of it all. "Plus this is our only working ship... And it seems they wanted it to carry the world with those engines." He said seeing as the cranes were carrying massive engines and placing them within the interior as men within tirelessly work to install them. "Not a lot of them aren't going to survive... Sickness, dehydration... And the ocean is their enemy there while we have a strong hull to keep us all safe and we both know how rough the waters can get you know." He spoke as he had himself lean on the sides as he wanted to know if they planned this well. 

"Don't worry... its better then waiting for the end anyway plus starve to death or die trying to survive in the next one.. Pick your poison." He said as he gave him a small can of durians. "I have no idea how you can eat it knowing it smells like this, Cruz." He said as he jabbed at his shoulder. "Better then any of that monstrosity you make at home." He said as he took the can and soon enough kept it in his overstuffed green messenger bag. 

"Hey we're all fighting here.. Its better then to give up and stop like those nutjobs back home." He said knowing that most had opted to religion for answers with them wanting to live forever in their temples and bunkers until their rapture at that. "Everyone that's here knows that they might die but, look do you think that they are stopping because of that?" He asked as he could see them all working. Some trying what little aluminium or even that of steel towards their vessels. Some taking stock of their supplies, and others making sure that the ropes that kept it stable were all in order. 

"Its evidence that we haven't given up." He spoke as he smiled as his worn and faded dark blue uniform had buckled due to the strong winds that soon rushed to their location flinching apparel and tools alike as most took time to bunker down. "Everyone that took part in this expedition knows the risk but, is there really a future here?" He asked him in return as he soon enough stood up and stretched his arms to the left and right as he embraced the howling winds. 

"I know that Jaz... But, as soldiers we should help out. "We help out one then all of them would demand it." He sharply spoke to his friend. "Plus we're already running ourselves dry with the retrofitting." He said wanting him to know that their work here is far from done at the moment. "Listen Cruz our orders are clear and that is to finish this ship as soon as we can."

As Jaz would soon enough point to the bottom. "Engine room needs more men I rust in before I make you do all of my work."

"Yeah, yeah." he said in response as he soon enough sighed heavily before he soon enough rushed on out leaving him to his own thoughts for the moment. His thick boots making a audible beat as he descends downwards in return. All in all he would have some time to think as he looked at the mass of people all doing their best to prepare for the worst with what little resources they have. "I hope for the best." He said as went back to his office to start filling out and making sure that the papers are in order. Some being the names of his staff and that of the people that enlisted along with their plus ones all in making him sigh in return at how desperate they had become. As some of them were basically just civvies yesterday with no experience out in the seas making him assign them to easier jobs like cooks and janitors for them. 

While placing those with talent within vital roles under apprenticeships with the more experience crew mates. All the while making sure to calculate just how much they needed in terms of supplies from food items to spare parts to keep the ship from sinking on the way to the journey towards their new world. As he soon enough sighed knowing that his work was too much even for him as he came in and started to make sure that everything was in order. As he looked on the letters sent to him by the emergency government and how they were able to build this by salvaging the bay since the war left most of their advanced fleet within the bay when the rebel faction had blew up in the past leaving them quite scrapped of ships since in that time they were forced to abandon the islands and secure their hold on the larger ones. 

As it was the fact of the matter was in the end the ship they had would become their last hope. A desperate attempt and how there was no plan b after hence he had one directive and that was to keep the ship afloat. A hope and sentiment that weighed heavily within his conscience since it outlined various instructions with one stating that the last of the settlers is second only to the survival of the ship. To uncouple them and leave them to their fates if there was no other option to save the ship.

After deliberating he would soon enough check out the crew as he ventured from his deck. "Admiral!" One of them yelled out as they salute him making him gesture to them to go back to work as they did as he inspects his chair and that of the others in return. As while the navy had long but, dissolve in the last wars to come they had the books and the equipment to revive it if needed as such was the case now when they needed to reach towards the new world. "Storage compartments are being filled with food items and seeds ready for the colonization effort." One of them spoke out as they filled him in on the status of the loading and the retrofitting process at that. 

"Good." He added as he looked at the looming dark skies as they continued on and usher in orders to go in and make sure that things are in order as made sure that they were ready for what was to come. As for him it was clear that he wanted to make sure that they didn't need to do any avoidable sacrifices in  the future. As he organized his men to help out some of the pressing issues out and help the refugees. Ensuring that they don't have to leave anyone behind while they were in transit.

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