Chapter 81

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After speaking with Kushi, Arnav was relieved and ordered Breakfast for them. Making her eat, they both went to their master bedroom.

It was a beautiful big room, bigger than the one they had in Shantivan. The difference is they had poolside there and here they have a big balcony, bigger than their poolside.

Arnav - Shall we start arranging the room ?

Kushi - Hmm....

Arnav walked close to her and kissed her - Come on give me your beautiful smile....

Kushi smiled lightly that didn't reach her eyes.

Arnav hugged her and stood silent for a minute - Everything will be fine Kushi.

Kushi - Hope so...

They started arranging things silently. Kushi was opening every box and segregated things while Arnav was placing it in its place. Arnav's thought was all about Kushi and whatever talks they shared sometime before.

One hour passed, when Arush started crying and Arnav heard it through the baby monitoring device.

Arnav - You sit Kushi. I will see him.....

He ran downstairs even without waiting for her reply. Kushi sighed and continued her work.

Arnav barged inside the room and saw his son wailing his lungs out.

Arnav- Arush....

He lifted him in his arms and started cooing him..... He started walking to and fro swinging him in his arms. His cries mellowed down a bit. Arnav took the feeder he kept filled for Arush and kept that in his mouth.

Though Arush started drinking that first, he moved his head away and started crying again.

Arnav - Arush.....

He stopped crying for a minute listening to his father's voice.....

Arnav - What happened tiny bud ? Why aren't you drinking milk ?

He laid him on the bed and checked his little body. And finally found the reason..... He has dirtied his diaper.

Arnav - Oopppss..... Sorry little munchkin. Papa will change your diaper in a minute.

He removed the dirty one and cleaned him. He then changed to a new one.

Arnav - Now shall we drink milk ?

He kept the feeder near his mouth but the little one gave him a tough time.

He raised his head to see that Kushi was standing on the door watching the duo.

Arnav - Come in Kushi.... Why are you standing there ?

Kushi shook her head and stood on the door itself.

Kushi - He will cry seeing me....

Arnav - He is already crying.

Kushi walked in slowly. Arnav looked at her and smiled.

Arnav - He had a vaccine and was tired and hungry yesterday that he drank milk without fussing. But now this little guy gained energy and is giving me a tough time.... seems like he is not liking it now.....

Kushi looked at him not knowing what to do - Shall I try ? I mean.... Shall I feed him ?

Arnav - Are you willing ?

Kushi - I don't know.

Arnav - Then why ?

Kushi - Because I don't want him to cry. Something will happen to him if he cries.

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