Chapter 72

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Kushi looked the photo observing Garima's feature. Tears continuously flow from her eyes. She looks the same as her mother. She has got her mother's eyes, small nose and beautiful smile.

Arnav - Now do you understand why does this feel familiar ? Because you are seeing her in your reflection daily. You look like your mother only.

Dadi got the frame and caressed her lovely Daughter-in-law's picture. How cruel of this destiny to take away the life of such a wonderful person ? Her son's life would've been happy if Garima was alive today.

Arnav wrapped his arms around Kushi's shoulder - You don't have to search your mother in between the stars hereon. She will be right in front of you and hear whatever you speak from wherever she is. Happy Birthday Kushi.....

Kushi looped her arms around his and laid on his shoulders and sat silent as she couldn't speak at this moment.

Mama - Kushi bitiya....

Kushi glanced at him and raised her head from Arnav's shoulder and wiped her tears.

Putting a sweet smile - Ji mama....

Mama - Why don't you and Chote go tour around the farm house ? I think you will love it..... Chote take her out....

Arnav nodded his head and held her hands - Come....

Kushi stood up and walked out with Arnav.

As soon as she went out, Manohar looked at Shashi and Dadi.

Manohar - Shashi ji.... You are not doing it right ?

Shashi - What happened Manohar ji ?

Manohar - Kushi bitiya is pregnant. It's been nearly a month since Arnav Bitwa and Kushi came back from Goa.... You haven't come and met her once. How much ever we pamper her, will it be equal to you ? Look how much she is looking for you.... Atleast weekly once come and meet her na.... She will feel good.

Shashi sighed smiling - I will come Manohar ji. Thanks for your concern.

Manohar smiled at him while, Manorama glared at Manohar for inviting Shashi. But he doesn't care about all that.

Shashi on the other hand was fine now conversing with Manohar. There were many misunderstandings and miscommunications happened and everyone made a mistake on their side. But Kushi is innocent and she deserves to be treated well in this condition. For Sheetal's mistake, Kushi shouldn't be punished. Shashi didn't want Kushi to face any kind of issues due to him and Knowing Manorama who won't think before speaking, he didn't want them to argue over his visit. Though he knows that Arnav will never let that happen, he didn't want more arguments there because of him or Sheetal. At this situation, Kushi talking with him at phone is feeling like a great relief.

But now as Manohar himself asked Shashi to come to Shantivan, Manorama won't create issues for Kushi. At least that's what he thought....

On the other hand, Arnav took Kushi around the farmhouse. But she was not at all in a mood to enjoy all that. Her mind was still stuck in her mother's photo.

Arnav patiently kept talking with her. It took him hours to get her back to normal.

Kushi was too overwhelmed to react properly. First of all she almost forgot that it's her birthday today due to her excitement for the checkup. Secondly she didn't expect that Arnav would plan a farmhouse visit and will gift her the most precious thing that she wanted to see all her life.

After a few hours they both walked back home and decided to go back to Shantivan.

Everyone except Guptas departed.

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