Chapter 63

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Arnav was sitting in his cabin the next day and has planned to work till afternoon. After that he planned to look after Aman's wedding preparations. And he won't be coming to the office till Aman's wedding finishes.

He couldn't wait to go home and see Kushi. He knows he is wrong and literally hurt her to much extent with his words and behaviour. He seriously needs to learn to manage his anger and keep it under check. Though he said, Kushi to go away, if she is not ok and has issues regarding his past..... He knows better. He can't survive the torture. The last two nights are proof of that. He has never been close to any woman like the way he is with Kushi. Though he was in a relationship with Akshara before, he was not this close to her. Kushi is the only woman whom he has let to own him. If she goes away he will become insane and will burn the whole world. She has his heart and it's not right to behave so....

He was thinking when his phone started ringing. Kushi has called him. He swiped the green button answering her call.

Arnav - Hello.....

Kushi - I need to speak with you. RIGHT NOW.....

Arnav frowned - Excuse me ?

Kushi - No, you are not excused. I am at your penthouse. Come fast......

Arnav gaped at the phone and stood up and walked to their penthouse.

As soon as he opened the door of their penthouse something hard hit his face. He stood shocked to his roots and looked ahead to get another hit.

Arnav - What the....

Kushi was standing there crying throwing all the cushions that came in her hands in Arnav's direction.

Arnav - Kushi.....

Kushi walked near him and started hitting him with her hands.

Kushi - How dare you idiot.....stupid.... brainless crow...... How could you say that I don't respect your feelings ? How could you ?

She was throwing daggers shouting at him while Arnav averted his teary eyes.

Kushi - You could be the ASR to the world and nobody has any rights to have a say in your life. But for me, you are my husband, My Arnav and I have the right to say and suggest anything I want. If you didn't like that you could tell me that Arnav..... Will you ask me to go away for that ?

She started in anger but ended up crying.

Kushi clutched his collar - Don't I have any rights to say something to you ? Tell me Arnav.....

Arnav shook his head and pulled her in his tight hug.

Kushi cried - I am not taking your love for granted Arnav. I am not disrespecting your feelings.

Arnav - Please don't ask me to go there Kushi. I don't want to go there.....

Kushi - You don't have to if you don't want.

Arnav hugged her tight shedding his silent tears. He understood that he went overboard in his anger and was about to speak with her today. But didn't expect that she would pop up in their penthouse like this.

Kushi came out of the hug and looked at him and slapped his cheek lightly.

Kushi - Rakshash....

Arnav - Kushi, you are innocent and selfless. But you can't expect me to be the same as you. I am not selfless nor I can collect myself and be composed at all situations. Anything related to Malik's are triggering me very badly. And I burst out without any control.....

Kushi - If you are angry you can talk with me right ? But you didn't even come home for two days. Do you know how much I missed you ?

Arnav - Kushi, I know how bad I am when I am in anger. That's why....

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