Chapter 73

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Feeling something hot on his finger, Aman jumped and sat on the bed shocked and looked here and there. Soon he heard a laughing sound and he turned his head only to see that Lavanya was sitting beside him and laughing clutching her stomach.

He glared at her and pulled her beside him.

Lavanya - Ok ok sorry Darling....

Aman looked at his finger- What habit is this ?

Lavanya - What to do ? I kept calling you for half an hour now.... You didn't even moved. If you didn't get up you will be late for your Office. Come on get up....

Aman looked at the time - It's just 6 yaar.

Lavanya - So.... It's your turn to make breakfast today. Who will prepare yummy Paratha and curry for me if you sleep like this ?

Aman looked at her smirking - We can order your yummy breakfast from outside.... How about we use this time usefully ?

He asked pulling her by waist making her fell on him.

Lavanya - Aman, what are you doing ?

Aman - I am romancing lavi darling....

Lavanya - Aman.... It's 6 in the morning.

Aman - So... Is there anywhere written in Indian law that you can't romance with your wife early in the morning ?

Lavanya smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Lavanya - Aman.... Be a good boy and get up.

Aman - Being a good boy keeping you near me is a very difficult task.

Lavanya - Aman....

Aman - Ok I am going.

Lavanya - And I am sleeping....

Aman gasped and looked at her - How rude..... Waking me up you are getting ready for sleep.... No way. Come and help me....

Lifting her in his arms he started walking towards Kitchen.

Lavanya - Arey Amu... Go and brush atleast....

Aman - What if you sleep till then ?

Lavanya - I won't sleep. Promise. Go wash your face and brush.

Aman left her down and went inside the washroom to freshen up. After a few minutes, he came out and cooked together with his wife.

Then both got ready for the work and sat on the dining.

Lavanya - Aman...

Aman - Yes....

Lavanya - I have made apple pie for Kushi. While going to your office take that and go.

Aman - No no no no..... If you have to give anything to Kushi first you need to clear the security levels.... It's not that easy to give ASR's wife and Aman Mathur's sister something.

Lavanya looked at him amused - What ?

Aman - Hmm.... First you need my permission and then ASR's permission.... For that you have to give us one piece.

Lavanya smacked his arms making him whine.

Lavanya - You could've asked me directly to give you also. What's the need to throw such dialogues ?

Aman - Why are you hitting me like this ? I am so soft.... Handle me with care.... Your drill classes are not accepted here.

Lavanya laughed - You are cute Aman....

Aman smiled - Waise, what's so special ?

Lavanya - Just like that. She would be having cravings na.... So I thought to make something different for her.

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