Chapter 68

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Days started rolling with Arnav taking care of Kushi to his best. Finishing their one month stay at Goa they reached Delhi. This experience of handling his pregnant wife alone will always reside in his best memories. Daily taking her to walk early in the morning till sleeping in the night, he did everything he possibly could do.

As they reached Shantivan they were given a warm welcome by everyone. Payal who was already pregnant by 7 and half months was jumping thinking that she and Kushi will have babies at nearby ages.

It was after two days -

Kushi was standing in front of the mirror getting ready for the college as usual.

Arnav frowned looking at her - Kushi.... Are you going to college ?

Kushi smiled at him - Haan.....

Arnav - You really wanna go ?

Kushi's smile faded - Why Arnav ? Why are you asking like this ?

Arnav - Kushi.... I was just worried for you.

Kushi - What worries ?

Arnav - Kushi you are a professor. You have to put up with your students for the whole day..... Almost 7 to 8 hours. Will you be fine with this ? I mean.... For one or two days it is fine, but everyday you need to teach them, it needs a lot of energy and for the past few days you are quite sensitive and gets tired easily..... So, is it necessary to go to college ?

Kushi - What will I do if not going for college ? I can't stay at home ideally.....

Arnav - Why don't you come to AR ?

Kushi raised her eyebrow - What will I do coming to AR ?

Arnav - You have amazing drawing talent, you like to read books, you can meet new people there, Aman will also be there. I will arrange a cabin for you, sit and do whatever you want.....

Kushi pouted - Do you want me to resign ?

Arnav chuckled and shook his head - I am just requesting you to take your maternity leave. Moreover, if you come to our office then I can get more time to spend with you.

Kushi smiled at him fondly - I will think about it....

Arnav smiled at her - Ok come.... I will drop you.

Kushi went to college and started with her classes. As it was the first day, there was nothing much to do.... But Arnav was right..... She is getting tired soon. Seems like Arnav understands her body conditions very well than herself.

She tried and made a good attempt the first day. But what about upcoming days when she needs to run from one class to another ? And her subjects are just too theoretical. It needs lots of work..... She has seen so many working women working on their pregnancy. Then why couldn't she ? Even some of her colleagues worked till seven months. But it's just her third month now and she is not able to do anything actively.....

Kushi - This Arnav is spoiling me too much with his pamperings. Before marriage I used to work at college and home single handed but see now.... I have become a lazy pumpkin.

Pouting she walked to the ground and met Lavanya. Bidding bye to her, she went out as their car had come to pick her up.

It was evening -

Arnav came home and went to his room to see that Kushi was sitting and reading something.

Arnav - Hello wifey.....

Kushi raised her head and smiled wide - Hi.....

Arnav smiled at her as she came and hugged him.

Breaking the hug, Arnav went inside the washroom to freshen up. He came out in a few minutes and sat on the bed beside her.

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