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"Kid how do you not have a limit!?" Hawks huffs, totally nearing his.

"Well, I train a shit tone every day, well practically non-stop, and my stamina is pretty big with the training Shota got me into, so that helps with the training." You say, Hawks completely amazed at how an 18-year-old was comparable to the number three hero that is a full 8-years-older.


"Ughh, I'm so bored!" You complain, the two of you walking around the streets. "Vigilante work is so much better than this." You think to yourself.

"Part of being a hero is showing to the public that you are someone they can rely on, having a friendly smile and showing that you are there is something that all good hero's do to keep the streets as calm as they can." He explains, waving to a group of teen-age girls walking past.

"So, Shota isn't a good hero because he's underground?" You rhetorically ask, making fun of the way he worded it.

"You know what I mean, I'm talking about the non-underground hero's. Say, what sort of hero do you think you'll be?" He asks, you taking a moment to think about it.

"I want to be an underground hero, what Shota does is really cool and I'm not good with people. But with the quirk I have and the way I fight I'd probably end up being one that isn't so underground." You say, Hawks paying attention but also waving and smiling at random civilians.


"Come on, can't I do some training please!" You beg, the two of you supposed to be on break back at the agency.

"Kid I know you have some amazing adrenaline and stamina, but I really don't want to test it right now." Hawks says, you laying in the air bored out of your mind.



The ACTUAL Bakusquad


Mr Manly💪:

»Hey guys!

»How's internships going for you?

Boom Boy💥:

»Fucking hell

»Jeanist won't stop telling me to be

a role model and act properly or

some shit!

Mr Manly💪:

»I feel like we should've switched hero's

»Fourth kind won't stop waking out heads

Boom Boy💥:


Mr Manly💪:

»Oh yeah, Tetsutetsu is also here!

Boom Boy💥:

»Even got the same request list 🤣

Elemental Bitch🍁':

«Jeanist only requests students to

make them better for the public or

whatever so Kirishima wouldn't have

gotten a request from him

«Oh yeah, Hawks won't let me go

training on our break 😭

Vigilante Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now