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"I'm back!" Bakugo announces, walking back in, making sure the both of you knew so he didn't overhear anything.

"Hey, told him everything I knew, thought there wasn't point in hiding anything if he already knows everything." You say, Bakugo laying in the hammock out of breath, he defiantly ran more than he did walk. "You want a refill on water?"

"I didn't bring my bottle." Bakugo says, you walking over and grabbing yours before throwing it at the boy. "What the fuck, that hursts you know."


"Alright, I should go now, Shigaraki will disintegrate me if he finds out I was with the two of you for this long." Dabi says, getting up to leave.

"Alright, see you later then." You say, getting up to walk him back.

"I'm going to head back, I'll see you later Dabi." Bakugo says, giving you your water bottle back.

"Alright, hope the next time won't be an attack." Dabi says, Bakugo running off to head back before he passes out from exhaustion.


"Now I wish I was in my vigilante costume." You say, wanting to say hi to the others.

"I don't know how you enjoy spending your free time with them." Dabi says, rolling his eyes before walking through the warp gate.


"Hey Bakugo." You say, walking inside to see Aizawa also there. "Uh, hey Shota?"

"Where were you?" Aizawa asks, walking up to you as you take your shoes off.

"I was out training in the forest, Bakugo was there too, but he got tired to he left a bit earlier than me." You say, you weren't lying, you did do tree swinging, and he went for a run, he did leave before you, and you noticed he was tired when he did.

"Alright, well I was talking with Bakugo, and we agreed that on every second Saturday you're allowed to do your vigilante work. The first week you'll be with me, have a normal Saturday, then do it by yourself, then a normal Saturday, then continue the cycle. As long as you don't run off when you're with me, and you get some sort of rest when you get back, we're fine with it." Aizawa says, you looking at Bakugo who was standing behind the man.

"As much as I hate you being out so late by yourself, I know you're not an idiot and you're able to get yourself out of practically anything. But I know you enjoy doing what you do, so I can't stop you from doing what you like to do when I know the only risk is that you won't get sleep." Bakugo says, you running over to hug Aizawa.

"Well, I should head back home, no vigilante work this week, we start with the both of us next week alright?" Aizawa says, ruffling your hair before stepping back.

"Alright, thanks Shota, you too Bakugo." You say giving Bakugo a hug as well.

"I'm still not used to Bakugo being softer around you than the others." Aizawa chuckles, tying up his shoes.


"Morning Shota." You say, both of you and Bakugo walking inside waiting to walk to U.A.

"Morning, how'd you two sleep last night?" Aizawa asks, making his morning coffee.

"I slept." You hesitantly say, Aizawa is always going to be grumpier before his morning coffee, so you weren't sure how he was going to react.

"How many hour's you get? Please tell me you got some sleep?" Aizawa says, hatting how he knew it wasn't going to be many.

"I think around 3 or 4 ish hours." You say, giving Aizawa a second to take a sip of his coffee first.

"What am I going to do with you Y/n, I swear." Aizawa sighs, Bakugo sitting next to you as he gets stuck in thought.


"I still don't know how you're able to run around and do all this with such little sleep or food." Bakugo huffs, being out of breath.

"I don't know how this tires you out so much." You say, walking into the classroom and over to your desk to greet Kirishima. "Hey Kiri."

"No but how can you get like 4 hours of sleep, not eat anything for breakfast and still not be tired out after training and running around using all four?" Bakugo huffs, sitting in his seat with Kirishima sitting on his desk per usual.

"That's a normal day for me, ones where I'm puffed out or something is when I get no sleep for at least two days, no food for about a week with water being my only source of shutting my stomach up, doing my weekend work all week with a maximum of 3 hours of sleep in between, and training with Sho during the day when he doesn't know anything about what I was doing. Or when I'm in a sports festival, got barley any sleep from nightmares and couldn't eat without throwing it up from most likely stress." You say, Kirishima and the rest of the class staring at you like you just told them the secret formula for the Crabby Patty in Sponge Bob.

"What about in your old man's house?" Bakugo says, hopping that you got some sort of sleep as a child.

"The first five years of my life were pretty normal I'd say, get a full 5-7 hours of sleep on weekdays, I didn't get to go to school so Mother would give me a few tutoring lessons during breakfast, the old man would do standard stamina training down in the forest, have a five minute break which me and my twin would spend with mother watching T.V, do agility training with the old man for a few more hours until one of us passed out, get a full 15 minute break and the old man usually had to wake up the one that passed out before we did combat training with him, have dinner then do a few basic muscle workouts before going to bed." You start to say, Bakugo sighing a few times as the list goes on. "When I got my quirk, I started doing less common training, getting the typical 4-5 hours of sleep, quirk training until I passed out, I think about 3 or four times, before I got a 10-minute break which I would spend studying to make sure I don't fall behind the average kid my age, then I'd do workouts for another few hours until my siblings were done eating which is when I started eating my food. Uhhhh, then I'd go out into the forest to do some non-quirk related fighting training, for a bit until I'd do some physical endurance training, usually ended with mother crying begging the old man to stop... I'd either stay in my room and do more studying or sneak out and go into the forest to train by myself. Wait until the others finished dinner before I ate by myself, had a shower, went to bed."

"God Y/n, you can't say that shit so calmly." Bakugo sighs, you looking at him in confusion as you wait for him to elaborate. "Your old man, he's a bitch and I want to kill the guy, so all the shit he forced you to do when you were living with him. That isn't anything normal, you just told the whole class about how... how abnormal your life was growing up."

"Oh shit, did I really?" You ask, taking a moment to process how it would seem to the others that were listening in on the conversation you knew wasn't private the moment they started staring at the three of you. "Oh fuck, you're right..."


"Hey Bakugo, when we were playing 20 questions with Kirishima... you said something about a sister." You start to say, unsure of how to word it knowing it's a sensitive topic for him. "How come you don't talk about her?"

"Uh... fucks sake, how come all the big things come out in ways that I'm not ready for." Bakugo mumbles to himself, trying to figure out how to word everything. "...when... when I first told you about the beatings the hag did to me... I mentioned that she started drinking again when I got my quirk because I was being destructive... and when you saw her beating me, she something about me being a mistake... well... the hag had her when I was four, so she was only a year old when it happened... but I was playing around with my quirk seeing what I could do... uhh... I didn't notice her in my room when I set off a huge explosion... my arms were scared from the pain, and she uh... she was knocked unconscious with a lot of cuts from the fall... when we got to the hospital we found out she got brain damage... that making schizophrenia... the hag hated it when she would talk to people that weren't there and walk weirdly when walking around the room to avoid things that weren't there... the thing she hated most was that her fear of the dark was so bad she saw and heard things under her bead or in the closet and even when the old man tried to prove to her nothing was there she would still see it... she got bullied a lot for all the things she did and said... the hag would beat her more than me in that time... got on her nerves more than I did... that's when she got the idea of forcing alcohol down our throats... since she was so much younger than me it affected her more which caused her in getting coronary heart disease a few years back... she died from it when she turned 10..."

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