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"Alright, where're we training today?" You ask Bakugo as the two of you wait in line for Bakugo to get his food.

"Probably the field, can't be bothered to do much today." The boy responds making sure you stay close to him, hatting big crowds.

"Alright, I mean we could just go to the secret spot and not do much there, less people, less noise, more concentration." You say knowing how much Bakugo hates when people watch the two of you train.

"Yes, my god, I would die to litterly hire the field and have nobody allowed to go there when we train." Bakugo laughs as the line moves up a bit.


"Who's house we going to tonight?" You ask whipping yourself around to face the boy the second Aizawa dismisses the class.

"I guess we can go back to mine, but I swear to god the hag better not walk in this time I cannot be bothered to deal with her today." Bakugo half complains as he starts to pack up his things.

"Hiya!" Mina calls out walking over to us. "What're you guys doing after this?"

"Probably just hang out or whatever, why?" You ask hopping she wouldn't invite you over to some shit social event.

"Me and the guys miss hanging out with you two, and we're hanging out at a diner nearby and thought to invite you." Mina says her cheery tone never leaving.

You look to Bakugo to see whether he would want to go or not, subtly he shakes his head hatting the idea of going. "Nah sorry, not this time. Us two are probably just do our homework's before he has to go back, my ma wants to talk to me about something."

"Alright, see ya!" The girl calls out as she runs out noticing the rest of the guys leaving her laughing as the look to the girl try to catch up.

"I'm not sure if I should be happy for you or feel bad for Aizawa, you've been getting so much better at lying recently." Bakugo laughs waiting for you to put the last thing in your bag.

"Oh, shut up, lets just go already." You grumble raising from the chair and grabbing the boys hand dragging him out of the classroom.


"WE'RE BACK YOU OLD HAG!" Bakugo yells as the two of you enter the house.

"STOP FUCKING YELLING AT ME YOU DAMN BRAT!" Mitsuki yells back from the kitchen ignoring the fact that he had told her that you were over.

"THEN ACTUALLY GREET ME WHEN I GET BACK!" Bakugo yells back walking off to his room. "Fucking dickhead."

"You guys always say the same things, like how have you not found something new to yell at her." You ask before diving onto the boy's bed.

"Oh, shut up, I won't be damned using my brain to think about her dumb ass." Bakugo explains sitting at his desk.

"So, we going to study today or just chill?" You ask turning around and sitting up changing the subject.

"We haven't studied properly in ages, we should probably do that." Bakugo says getting out his books from his bag that is rested next to his desk.


"Oh, my god, my phone wont shut up. Who the hell is spamming me right now?" You complain after hearing your phone buzz for the 9th time.

"Probably the dickhead squad." Bakugo groans rolling his eyes.


Bakusquad For Life


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