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"Shota please! Why won't anyone tell me what Ell does when she's fronting!" You complain, she ended up letting you go back to front after she finished eating and 'had a little fun'.

"Unless she does something that has a need for you to know, then I'm not saying. It's funny." What has Bakugo done to him!

"Right uh... I guess Hizashi knows now as well?" You say, looking at the blond, eyes somewhat showing guilt.

"All good little listener, it's nice knowing you have someone you can rely on to help look after you if you can't. I'm not going to ask why or how she came along, but I'm glad you have her, she's super cute as well, so I'm not complaining." He says, jeez that man is super nice even when he doesn't need to be, like, it's not like you stabbed a guy and need a mood lifting, like, he just always seems to say happy go lucky things even if they aren't needed.

"Yeah I guess... annoying when people won't tell me what she did though!" Obviously, you directed the last part to Shota, glaring at the man as you did so.

"Alright kiddo, better start heading back to your dorm now, Bakugo's probably starting to go psychotic without you there to tame him." Hold up what!? That man has like, 0 filter.

"Okay, he's not psychotic, tone it down a few dozen notches." You huff, rolling your eyes at him, bully you all you like, but bully any of your friends, classmates to an extent, and it's not okay.

"Zashi back me up here, Bakugo's a wild kid that needs to be tamed." Shota says, his husband, somehow, nods in agreement, even though it looks very hesitant.

"He's not that bad! I swear. Okay, you know everything that's happened... okay, not everything. But you know the base lines of two important, yet very.... traumatic, things that's happened to him." Almost slipping up and revealing a chunk of information in front of Hizashi.

"Okay but they happened after the year started and he was acting like that the entire time." This man... does he need you to spell it out for him or something!?

"I swear it's like my lack of social Understandment comes from you or something," Obviously mumbling that part the two men somehow manage to hear and understand you, but still let you continue to talk for some ungodly reason. "they wouldn't have happened randomly, there had to have been build up... years of buildup... like, a lifetime of buildup... shits been going down his entire life and it only now has come to light because for the first time in his ungodly life has he had someone who he can actually trust to be around without feeling like... like a... like a failure. And that just happens to be the one thing that breaks the glass and reveals everything which causes everything else to go so much worse which is immediately brought to light and cause you to know about maybe the smallest of sketches of a rough idea of what's been going on in the god fucking stupid ass household he had to live in his entire fucking life." ... okay... maybe you went a tat bit too far and shouldn't have said everything you did... and Hizashi just has to be there... great.

"Y/n... the things I know is... it's horrendous... and you telling me that I only know a small bit of it... Y/n...I'm a pro, Hizashi's a pro... neither of us can pretend we never heard that... what's going on?" No, no, no, no, no. Bakugo is so going to kill you! How are you supposed to get away with this!? If it was your problems, you would just sulk around until you gave in and told them as little as you could get away with... but this isn't your problem... your fault, but not your problem. It's Bakugo's, and he trusted you to not tell anyone and you ended up blabbering to two pros about it and they both know that when you blabber on you don't think about what you're saying so it's most likely going to the be the truth because you don't have the time to think about any lies or you would've been silent for a while before blabbering... which you weren't. What on earth were you going to do!? "Kiddo... you can't avoid this."

"I um... I wasn't supposed to say any of that... you just... I couldn't help it... please don't... please?" There was barley a full sentence with a bunch of different one's part taking, but you go the message across, and he knew and understood everything.

"Sorry kiddo... I can't... it's about the recent... 'situations' that I'm aware about so I can't just say something about it not bothering him anymore now that he's out of the house and is living in the dorms... it is apart of it, and you know that because you said that..." Wow, somehow you ended up closing the only escape (that you didn't know you had) before there was even a reason to avoid the conversation!

"Please... Shota I wasn't supposed to say anything. I promised him I wouldn't say anything. Please... please don't... I'm... I'm sorry." At this point with how unlike you, you were acting it was like both you and Ell were fronting but you had main control or something.

"Sorry kiddo... I... I have to." There wasn't any way around it, an amazing hero... not so amazing father... at least he was apologizing... and being empathetic... okay, he's a pretty good father. But still! "How about this... tomorrow, after school, us two, and Bakugo talk about it together, Bakugo get's to know everything going on in real time... and... well... the two of us have time to think about what we heard or said... okay?"

"O-Okay." At this point you ended up clinging into the man's arms, head shoved into his chest with the starting of tear patches to form on his shirt (a shirt that needed to be washed anyways).


"Bakugo... I'm sorry." All you had done was step foot into the dorm which, obviously, confused the blond, but by the way your voice was you had obviously been thinking about it for a while and you weren't just apologizing for no reason.

"Come here, tell me... tell me what's wrong." Sitting down on the bed you would usually snuggle up to him, but because you were being you, you were punishing yourself even though he hadn't deemed whatever it was worthy of punishment, and you sat next to him... like, a decent distance between you not a normal 'comfortable sitting next to' distance. "You okay?"

"I... I got upset... and... Shota... he, he said that you were psychotic and needed to be tamed... he was joking, I know he was joking... but... I'm sorry." You just didn't have it in you to tell him that you had just broken the only bit of glass he had left untouched... pro's were about to find out about things they hadn't even suspected or thought to seek out.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He should've asked what you did, but he knew better than to ask that, even in the most calm and comforting tone it still would've come across as harsh and angry to you. "What happened?"

"I... I told them... that... I-I told, I told... they know... that... that you... that... more than just... just the divorce... and um... death... they... Shota... he want's... tomorrow... to talk... about... your... about your... time before... before it... before your... when it..." Stuttering through each word you manage to get the message across to the blond.

"I... I'll worry about the specifics later... just now... just now we need to calm you down... it... it wouldn't have been a secret for so long... it was. It was going to get let out sooner or later." Great, you go and worry your guardians, then you spill Bakugo's secret to them and worry them about things that aren't relevant to them and tell him that you told them and then he ends up comforting you! You earnt anything other than people's effort in comforting you. "Y/n?"

"Hm... I um... sorry." What else are you supposed to say? Do, even? Why was he comforting you? And why was everyone so worried about you? Why were you making everyone so worried about you?

"Why are you sorry? What is there to be sorry about?" How does he not know? He's supposed to know by now that these things need to be apologized for, how doesn't he know by now? "Y/n I'm not mad at you, okay?"

"Wh-why? Wh-why are you n-not mad at m-me?" Jeez, I'm stuttering like crazy right now!

"Because, you had good intentions... you didn't mean for it to happen, and you were trying to back me up even though they were joking. I'm not mad because you were trying to be a good friend to me, and we were trying to back me up... we'll just figure it all out tomorrow, okay?"

"Oka-okay." You lean in and cuddle up to Bakugo, leaning your head into his side, hoping it wouldn't have happened.

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