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"Fucking hell! I'm exhausted!" Bakugo complains as he walks over to you.

"Haha, welcome to my typical training." You say at the two of you walk to the shade to sit and have a break. "You bring lunch?"

"Buying some at lunch rush." Bakugo complains wanting to have food in the instant.

"You can have some of mine, I brought extra anyways." You say handing him your bento box.

"Fucking thank you." The boy says before shoving the food in his mouth.

"Yeah whatever." You say rolling your eyes, you knew he was going to steel some of your food, that's the only reason you brought extra.

After the quick break you continue training, doing pillar obstacles, air shield, setting fire to the grass and healing it again, levitating super high in the air before dropping on the soft ground, and all sorts of other training. The bell goes for lunch, the second Bakugo hears the bell he grabs your arm and runs over to lunch rush. He had been waiting all day for a proper meal and not just a bunch of snacks you brought.

"My god Bakugo, I have legs, I can walk on my own." You scoff as the two of you sit down at an isolated table not having Mina drag the two of you wherever she wanted, which was typically near most people.

"Whatever, I'm fucking starving. How on earth do you do this shit for normal training and still eat barley anything?" Bakugo yells quietly making sure the attention wasn't on the two of you.

But just as your about to yell back a specific, yet very annoying, blonde pops out of nowhere. "Where's the rest of your class? Are they all sick? Are they all weak and dead?"

"Actually, their training at U.S.J thank you very much." You scoff shoving your mouth full of food.

"Did you to get left behind? Are you too weak?" Monoma yells laughing to himself, the guy really thinks his funny.

"Monoma, stop messing with 1A for once." Kendo yells chopping his neck with her hand hitting a nerve that knocks him out temporarily. "Sorry about him, I'm sure you have a reason for being here without your class."

And with that Kendo walks off dragging the blonde by his collar not even hearing your response, you loved that girl the second she shut Monoma up for the first time in front of you.

"Fucking bastard thinks he's better than everyone." Bakugo mumbles before filling his mouth again.

"Hypocrite much." You say rolling your eyes slouching back in the chair.

"I'm in the top of the top class, he's not in the top class, nor is he the top in his class. I am." Bakugo states shovelling more food in his mouth.

"What'd you think the others are up to right now? Like I know their training, but I wonder what their specifically doing." You say shoving our tray in front of the boy who just finished his food about to get more of his own.

"Probably some weak ass shit." Bakugo says before inhaling the food in an instant.

Little did you know that your class was being targeted by one of the biggest villain groups at the very second while the two of you do your typical training.

"God you eat so much." You comment as he gets up to get more.

"It's not my fault your training is fucking exhausting!" Bakugo yells not even turning to look at you.

"Pussy." You mumble to yourself. As Bakugo is walking back over with a mountain of food your phone starts to ring.


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