3 0 0

After finally agreeing on and getting the food for f/f curry, you all walk back to Mina's house and dump the grocery bags on the kitchen counter.

"Alright! Kirishima and Bakugo cut the veggies. Sero and Denki do the taste testing while Y/n and I make the sauce!" Mina declares giving everyone tasks to do.

"Y/n, please don't make it too spicy!" Kaminari wines after finding out that you'll be making the sauce.

"We can put no spice in it, and everyone put their own spice in if that's cool with everyone?" You suggest hopping to solve the spice problem.

"THE DAMN BABYS CAN SUCK IT UP!" Bakugo yells, you kick the back of his knee as he stumbles glaring at you.

"I'm cool with that!" Mina says also hating the spice.

"Yea, as much as I don't mind it, Bakubro's spice level is way too much for me." Kirishima says giving me a thumbs up in agreement.

"I'm down for that." Sero says, as both him and Kaminari give a thumbs up.


After perfecting the sauce and putting the vegetables in you and Mina both give Kaminari and Sero a spoon full of the curry to evaluate it one last time before serving it up. "I'm going to cry! It's so good!" Kaminari says falling to his knees dramatically.

"I've had better but definitely not the worst I've had either." Sero says putting the spoon down.

Everyone serves up their own bowl, Sero is the first to put some spice in it before Bakugo snatches it off him. "Give it to me!"

"Don't use all the spice I want to have some as well." You say as he dumps half the newly bought spice in. "And there goes my spice."

"Girl there's still half the container left!" Mina squeals at how you expected to have more than half a new container.

"Yeah but Sero still needs to finish adding some to his, I guess it'll still taste good." You say handing the half empty container to Sero who only adds another spoonful before handing it back.

Dumping the rest of the spice in you stir up the curry in your bowl as everyone sits down at the table. Everyone says their thanks and goes straight into the food, you and Bakugo also go in as soon as everyone else almost finishing it in one go. "Oh my god, Y/n how are you not crying inside!?"

"I like my spice, wait how are you guys still going?" You ask finishing the bowl.

"The damn extras take fucking ages to eat, that's how." Bakugo grumbles finishing his food after you. "I'm getting seconds."

"Is there enough for me to have seconds as well?" You ask as he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, but this shit is going to be so fucking bland I swear." Bakugo huffs as you walk over to serve yourself.


After everyone washes up their dishes and the cooking supplies you all head back to Minas room to grab your pyjamas to change taking turns in the bathroom. "Finally, I can change!"

Being the last one to change you walk in to see everyone on their phones doing whatever, so you sit next to Mina on the bed and start texting Bakugo as he is the only contact in your phone other than Aizawa's, Mina's and the Bakusquad group chat.




«I'm boredddddddd

»What do you want me to do about it


«Entertain me!!!!

»Screw you I'm going back to my game.

«What game you playing?

»Among us.

«I think I've heard of that before

»Get the game, figure out how to play

»I'll play with you when you know how

to play properly

«Okay :)



Looking up to see Bakugo secretly smiling to himself you laugh internally as you download the game wondering how your supposed to learn if he won't help you.

"Guys I'm boreddddd this is so lame I want to do something!!" Mina says just as your second game finishes, you had died first as you didn't know what you were doing.

"If someone can teach me how to play Among us we could all play." You suggest trying to fit in with everyone.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY!?" Mina and Kaminari squeal clinging onto each other.

"I downloaded it just now, I've only played two games." You say trying to back yourself up.

"Y/n, my baby. Let me teach you." Mina says shifting over to you to look at your screen to watch you play.


'Notification from 'Kacchan'

'You little bitch, you better not make us play!'


"Who's Kacchan?" Mina asks looking up from your phone.

"My brother, he's super annoying." You say laughing it off.

"Ohh okay." She says laughing along.


After you got use to the controls the group plays a few rounds, you convince Bakugo saying that he didn't want to because he was scared. That earned you a growl, but nothing more, at this point the others had gotten use to Bakugo not beating you up or yelling at you and dismissed it.


"Ughhhh I'm boredddddddddddddddd!" Mina complains after being the first to die for the 3rd round in a row. "Can we do something else!?"

"You're just bad at the fucking game!" Bakugo yells as he secretly kills Sero being the imposter for the 3rd time in a row.

"Mina you listed a bunch of stuff the people do at sleepovers, you feel like doing any of them?" You suggest as she clings onto you hugging you as you try to play the game.

"Who wants to watch a movie!?" She yells as you wince in pain from how loud she was screaming. "Sorry Y/n."

"All good, I don't watch many movies so I wouldn't be much help choosing, I'm not too fussy either so I don't mind." You say agreeing to the overly excited teen.

"After I win this game!" Bakugo yells, claiming he's doing his tasks to help win.

"I'm down." Sero says fazing through walls bored after finishing his tasks.

"Just not a scary one." Kaminari also agrees running around trying to do his tasks being the last one that needs to do them. "NO!"

"3 GAMES IN A FUCKING ROW LETS GO!" Bakugo yells after killing Kaminari.

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