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"Y/n! Want to sit with us!" Mina asks as Aizawa the class to go to lunch.

"Actually, I was planning on going to the field to do more training." You say getting out your lunch and walking out of the classroom.

"Oii, Y/n, I'm coming with." Bakugo calls out following you.

"So, want me to make you more moving pillars?" You ask the blonde walking beside you.

"Fuck yes, is that even a question!" Bakug says as you laugh a bit before sitting down to eat.

"You got food?" You ask him as he sits beside you empty handed.

"Nah, usually buy it from lunch rush." The blonde replies as you shift your bento box closer to him.

"Have some, you know I can run with little food." You offer as he starts eating some of your food.

"Your still eating some though." Bakugo mumbles covering his mouth that is filled with food.

"Yeah, yeah, I will. You eat first, you eat a lot more than me." You say creating pillars in the ground in front of the two of you preparing for Bakugo.

"Alright, fuck the food, get me up there!" Bakugo says standing up.

"God you're such an idiot. Use your own fucking quirk, I'm not doing all the work!" You say elbowing the boy beside you before he starts propelling himself up to the first pillar. "READY!?"

"YUP!" You hear him say before you start to create wind all around him and shift the pillars.

He jumps around from pillar to pillar making it to the last on almost instantly. Although, you had another idea in your head. You start moving the pillar he's on causing him to jump to another pillar, continuing this, you move the pillar he is on and the ones around it as he jumps around continuously.

"Finally, some good fucking training!" You barely hear him yell from way above you.

You laugh to yourself a bit before intensifying the wind and making the pillars move up and down as well. "THIS OKAY!?"

"FUCKING GREAT!" He yells back jumping around, you can tell that there's people watching, but at the moment you were going to ignore them.

After a while they still hadn't left or said anything, so you stopped moving the pillars and creating the wind as you moved Bakugo over to you keeping the pillars up knowing you weren't done.

"The you doing?" Bakugo yells not seeing all the people watching the two of you. "WHAT THE FUCK! LET US FUCKING TRAIN IN PEACE YOU FUCKING EXTRAS!"

"Took you long enough to realise they were there, they've been there for a while now." You say as Bakugo finally steps off the air platform and onto the ground next to you.

"The fuck do you want?" Bakugo yells walking over to the group of classmates.

"We were just watching, it seemed fun!" Ururaka said popping up in the middle of the crowd.

"Fun! You think that shit is all fun and games! Y/n is fucking making it windy as shit to disrupt my balance whist moving the pillars around whist they change heights, if I stay on one for too long I'll fucking fall off." Bakugo yells as they look between you and Bakugo.

"I want to have a go!" Mina yells running up to you.

"Alright, if you can last 10 minutes then everyone else can go, if you fall off before you get to the 10 minute mark everyone has to go." You say knowing she won't last long.

"That's easy!" Mina says jumping up and down.

You float the girl to the first pillar and wait for her to signal her being ready.

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