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"Huh, what happened?" You ask not bothering to raise your head knowing it would make the headache worse.

"Fucking spaced out, then started crying before you passed out." Bakugo says slowly lifting you off his shoulder.

"Damn, must've gone harder in training than I though." You say laughing a bit, you knew Bakugo would question you about it later. But that doesn't mean the others can know anything just yet.

"Girl you have to tell us if you feel dizzy, here, have some water." Mina says pushing her bottle closer to you.

Have a sip of water you slide it back, you knew Bakugo would tell Aizawa about it, so you were stressing about it, spacing out again.

"Oii, dumbass." Bakugo says ruffling your hair.

"Hm?" You ask zoning back in.

"You fucking spaced out again." The boy says glaring at you.

"Oh, sorry." You say before shovelling food in your mouth, today was so not your day.


"Alright class dismissed." Aizawa says slouching in his sleeping bag.

"No, we're staying to talk to Aizawa about today." Bakugo says grabbing your arm stopping you from walking away.

"I heard my name?" Aizawa asks, he heard the entire thing, but wanted to involve himself into the conversation.

"Well, this morning we went to change, and Y/n took longer to change than usual, nothing too bad. And while we were training, she didn't do much movement, which isn't normal. But I shrugged it off as cramps or something, so nothing too bad just yet. Then comes lunch, Y/n excuses herself to go bathroom, fair enough, she comes back forgetting food. Probably still not use to eating, whatever, nothing too bad so far. But after a bit she starts spacing out, nothing too weird in particular, but then she starts crying before passing out. Now that was unusual, I woke her back up only getting the response of 'probably worked too hard in training' which she did less work if anything. So, it was obviously something that she felt the need to lie about, almost seconds after waking up she starts spacing out again." Bakugo says explaining what had happened throughout the day. "Something is going on, I want an explanation and think that you should be a part of this."

Sitting in your desk, you look at the floor making sure not to make eye contact with either of the males in front of you.

"Y/n?" Bakugo asks, you hum in response, still not looking at either of the people in the room. "What's going on? Please talk to us?"

"I already told you, I don't know." You say referring back to the night prior when you had a meltdown.

"I don't believe that something's going on." Bakugo says calmly, slowly walking over to you. "Please tell me."

"No." Is all you can manage to say, you were holding back tears and both males knew. But decided against saying anything, the last thing you needed was to point out your weakness was showing.

"Y/n, talk to us." Aizawa says walking over to you, trying to make his sleeping bag to not make too much noise.

You open your mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. Except for the tears coming out of your eyes. "I'm sorry." Is all you can manage to quietly mumble before clinging onto Bakugo.

The two of them looking at each other confused at your apology, Bakugo strokes your long hair soothing you trying to calm you down so you can explain better.

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