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The end of 2nd period the following day was one you were both excited for, and also dreading. What would you get told? Would he think you're doing it for attention? Am I doing it because I'm being rude? But... he could, maybe, hopefully figure something out. Or even be on the right idea and believe you and have more sessions to figure it out. "Y/n, this is the third time I'm calling on you!" Fuck, the teacher, I'm still in class.

"I'm sorry, I um, stuck in thought. What... um, what was the question?" Ectoplasm really wasn't one to hate on students, we was like the midway mark between Hizashi and Shota, he was quiet like Shota, but he didn't make it his whole reputation to be strict with the students. But he wasn't like Hizashi in that sense either, closer, but not the same, he wouldn't have favourites, at lease he wouldn't show it, and he wouldn't yell, the perfect mid-way, an ideal teacher.

"Y/n, I'm not going to repeat myself." Fuck, I'm really bad at this! "What's the formula to the question on the board?"

"Sorry, I um," You say, looking at the board to see you weren't the worst in this section, yess. "A = πr², so um, r=6cm, which means r² = 36. Then we multiply π by 36, which is 3.14 x 36, and that is 113.04 which means A = 113.04cm²." Thank the lords you were decent at area, permitter wasn't your strongest, but area was a better option.


"Y/n, come with me." Shota says, walking in as Ectoplasm walks out as the 5 minute between class starts, you get up to go with him, this time, you were smart enough to explain to Bakugo beforehand, you didn't give him details, telling him you'd explain properly after when you have all the answers, but you were really just pushing it off. "Y/n."

"Right, coming." You say, getting up and walking over with him, noticing Bakugo had already handed Kirishima paper with what you presume to be an explanation, as much of one as he's able to give with the minimal information he knows himself.

"Y/n, we'll sort this out okay." Shota says, trying to reassure you, not being able to comfort you in the way he usually does, mainly because you were walking around, but also because there was students and teachers around and neither of you want to explain anything to anyone other than those close and they already know.

"Y-yeah. Hopes so." And with that, you were at his office, this time, not complaining and being brought by force.

"The Aizawa's, great to see you." Hound dog says, letting the two of you walk in and find comfort in the couch before the talking starts, now you're here you want to go, but it needs to get over with. "Let me just tell you what I know already Y/n, then we can go from there, that good with you?"

"Hm, oh yeah." You say, you and Shota ended up sitting next to each other, like close together. To the point that right now, your head was resting on his side with his arm wrapped around you rubbing your hand.

"So," Right, he's talking. "you've been spacing out, and are having trouble keeping yourself paying attention to people. And this has been going on for a while, but only now it's been a... bigger problem."

"Oh, um, yeah." You say, realising that you were to confirm it, this was going to be a long 3rd period. Man, you could be doing hero training with Bakugo and Kirishima right about now, but nooooooo, you have to a dissociative kid that can't pay attention... pay attention! Great.

"You good kiddo?" Shota asks, it was quiet, it either meant Hound dog was also aware of how you looked off to the side when thinking or Shota had told him, or even just told him you were thinking and didn't explain how he knew. "Kiddo."

"Right, um, yeah, sorry." You stumble, blinking rapidly and looking up at the man before back at Hound dog.

"No, I feel like this was a good timing. I've gotten to see first hand what happens, I won't ever know first hand what goes on in your head, but I'll be able to get an idea. But I think that helped us Y/n." Hound dog says, at least this time I wasn't being a complete idiot and rude and a messed up person... no, still messed up, I guess I was still an idiot and rude, just... a helpful, rude, idiotic, messed up person. Yeah... that's you. Y/n Aizawa, the idiot that's rude and messed up and can't even pay attention... wow...again! Dumbass.

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