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"By Shota, see you tomorrow." You say walking back to your apartment after the weekly diner.

"Bye Y/n, make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time." He says as you roll your eyes knowing that you wouldn't be able to even if you did try.

Once you finally make it back to your apartment you strip out of your uniform and head to the shower. Looking down at your wrist you trace your fingers over the many scars that both you did and didn't intend for.

"Why am I such a fuck up?" You mumble to yourself sliding down the slippery shower wall resting your head between your legs.


The next day rolls over, today and one more day until you can be at home. Alone. With peace and quietness. But you couldn't be any more wrong. As the room you have become more comfortable with fills up with your classmates Mina runs over to you.

"Y/n! Y/n! You have to give me your phone number! I need to add it to the Bakusquad group chat!" Mina says holding her phone out for you to put your number in.

"How can there be a Bakusquad group chat if he isn't even in the group chat?" You ask as she looks at you confusingly. "Did I say something?"

"How'd you know he isn't in the group chat?" She asks head tilting to the side.

"Oh, I asked him for his number because he walks me home like every day, but he said he didn't trust me with it because he knew I would give in and tell you." You lie hopping this one isn't as obvious as most of them are.

"Oh, okay!" She says being the gullible girl she is, you take her phone and quickly type in your phone number.

"Thank you! By the way, the guys and I are organising a sleepover if you want to join! All the details are in the group chat, I'll resend them so you can see the though!" She says as you instantly understand why Bakugo won't give them his phone number.

"Oh, I'll think about it." You say handing the phone back.

"Great! It's going to be at my house like usual since the guys never clean their rooms!" She complains sitting on the desk beside yours like she did the day before.

"Not even when they have people over?" You ask thinking it would be normal to clean up when having guests, still trying to get use to the social normal.

"I know! Like why would anybody invite people to their house and have it looking atrocious!?" She continues to complain, you nodding every now and then not understanding half the stuff she's talking about.

"Alright class, settle down. Go to your seats we're starting class." Aizawa grumbles getting up and out of his yellow iconic sleeping bag.


"Y/n! You coming to lunch with us!?" Mina asks in her usual loud and enthusiastic voice.

"Yeah, I guess. Nowhere else to go." You say standing up grabbing your lunch from your bag.

You were only going to eat in front of Bakugo when the others ate, pretending like you would eat more at home. Hopping that he won't see straight through this lie as well, you walk to the cafeteria sitting next to Bakugo, the only other person that wouldn't die sitting next to him other than you was Kirishima. His quirk and enthusiastic mindset help him when Bakugo blows him up, so the others tend to hide behind him as a shield when getting attacked.

"Hey Bakugo." You say getting your food out, making sure not to attract too much attention by saying hi and getting your food out is just a signal to the blond that you're eating more like you promised.

"Hey." He says before putting his hands on the table instead of under it like he usually does to prevent anyone's faces blown up, again, a slight hint that he's trying without bringing any attention to it.

"Y/n you have to teach us your ways!" Mina complains with a mouth full of food.

"DON'T TALK WITH A MOUTH FULL OF FOOD DUMBASS!" Bakugo yells causing you to laugh a little, Bakugo definitely heard it but pretending he didn't so the others don't question you more when he doesn't yell.

"What're you even talking about Mina?" You ask waiting for her to finish her food knowing she wouldn't wait to respond.

"How do you get Bakugo to not yell at you!?" She complains per her usual self.

"Be nice? Like the only reason he would yell at me is if I'm not being nice, like I don't know what to say." You state putting food in your mouth.

"He just yelled at me when he wasn't even in the conversation!" She wines before putting more food in her already full mouth.


"I mean your table manners aren't the politest, he probably just expects more politeness from you." You mumble only just loud enough for the squad to hear.

"FINALY SOME BRAINS IN THIS DUMBASS GROUP!" Bakugo yells as Mina falls down her chair wining even more.

"Mina if you don't want him to yell at you just be nice to the guy, all I've seen you do is talk about how he's always grumpy and about how bad his attitude is. Like if you start talking highly of him then he might actually be nice to you." You say as if you're telling a child off.

"But-." She says you cutting her off.

"No buts, you can't expect him to just be nice to you if you aren't even respecting him. You don't even have to talk highly of him, just apologise and stop talking shit about him." You scold again as the 3 boys start laughing at how badly she is getting scolded. "Don't think I haven't noticed you guys agreeing with her. Kirishima not so much, probably why he tolerates you more. But Denki... honestly there isn't a single braincell in your head, you really need to start thinking more. And Sero I wouldn't even be surprised if I see you selling drugs around my neighbourhood. No wonder he yells at you, he's just setting up high standards so when you become a hero you can learn to achieve even the biggest of expectations. If anything, Bakugo is being nice to you by helping you guys out for when you graduate... if you graduate." You scold pointing to the boys as you scold them, aiming the last part at Kaminari.

"You haven't even been her for a week and you're already scolding us like we're children." Kaminari wines sliding down the chair.

"Denki, you're 18. You only just became an adult. You're practically still a child with that brain of yours... with the lack of brain I should say." You correct yourself as you hear Bakugo laughing to himself.

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