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"Come on Bakugo! We can't be late!" You complain as the boy packs his stuff up.

"You didn't even make a reservation, we can't be late dumbass." Bakugo huffs zipping his bag up.

"Just shut up already." You mumble before grabbing his wrist at dragging him out. "We need to get there as soon as we can I don't want to miss it."

"Miss what?" Bakugo asks, wanting to know anything about where you're taking him.

"Nope, you're not getting told a thing." You say still dragging the boy around. "Now we're going to my place, you're going to change into something comfy but active. I'm going to go and do something so you can have a shower or something while I'm out. When I come back you should be ready to leave instantly so we can go to where I have planed for us to go."

"Oh, you have a whole night planed in an instant?" Bakugo teases intriguingly.

"It's something my mother would do with me and my twin when father was out for the night, I haven't done it in a while and thought you would like it as well." You say elbowing his side.

You unlock the door to your apartment and rush to your room to change before rushing back out to go to the shops, when you were younger you would go with your mother to pick out the food. But you wanted this to be a surprise and having him pick out the food wasn't going to make it much of a surprise.

Walking in the closest grocery store, walking through the aisles you find the sweats section and pick out a few family sized bags, a handful of single serving ones and 3 packets of family sized chips.

You go down to the drink section, and you question what fizzy drink you should get, not knowing what types Bakugo likes you get f/f and decide that it will have to do, you pay for the food and go past your apartment to go straight to the spot to set up before you go back to pick up Bakugo.

"I'M BACK! YOU BETTER BE FUCKING READY!" You tell out as you step inside.

"Yup, one sec." Bakugo replies walking out of the living room and up to the front door. "Hey."

"I'm not telling." You say already knowing what he's going to ask. "Now hurry up, I don't want to be late, it's a long walk."

"We're walking there?" Bakugo asks as he ties up his runners.

"Yes, now stop asking questions and hurry up." You say walking outside waiting for the boy.


"Can you at least tell me what we could be late for?" Bakugo asks for the millionth time as the two of you walk.

"No. Now stop asking and hurry up, we're nearly there." You say picking up your walking pace a bit.

It only takes the two of you an hour to walk there, but when you do Bakugo freezes at the sight.

"This looks amazing, how long did it take for you to set all this up?" Bakugo asks, still not moving any closer.

"Only a couple minutes, I would have done more but I'm not sure what you like and what you don't like." You say scratching your neck. "Well come on, don't want to miss the sun set."

"Yeah okay, that I would hate to miss." Bakugo says finally walking up to the laid-out blanket with food scattered around.

"Your mother took you and your twin out for picnics?" Bakugo asks as you open a few of the many bags. "Seems like it would have been fun to run around in the field with him being able to do something you chose."

"Yeah, feel like she tried to make it something that wasn't inside or something either of us hated. Like taking us to a field to run around and do whatever was the perfect break for the both of us, even though I was the only one being beaten and shit my brothers still had to deal with the yelling and arguing and watching me get beaten. So being able to run around and do whatever we want and not being told what to do was the best thing ever." You say reminiscing on the few memories you had with your mother and your twin brother.

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