19 TW

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"Soooooo, you guys want to play more truth or dare?" Mina asks you and the others who have been in the pool for about half an hour just messing around.

"YEAH!" Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima yell in sync.

"As long as Dunce face doesn't use his fucking quirk." Bakugo huffs, at the other end of the large pool.

"I'm down, just nothing about my scars." You say as everyone but Bakugo nod in agreement.

"Okay! I'll go first." Mina declares as you and Bakugo go closer to the group. "Sero, truth or dare?"

"Gotta go with the first dare in the pool." Sero replies splashing Mina with some water as Kaminari and Kirishima laugh.

"Uhhh, I, Mina Ashido, dare you, Sero Hanita, toooo," Mina starts with the same sentence whenever she does a really annoying dare. "jump from the deep end and make sure you gat Bakugo in the splash!"

"WHAT!? COEM ON MINA!" Sero protest as the girl pushes the boy to the edge to jump in.

"We gotta start the game strong!" Mina says as Sero gives up and walks over to the deep end.


"Y/n, truth or dare?" Kaminari asks after a couple rounds.

"Uh, truth, we haven't had many and Bakugo looks like he's going to kill someone soon." You say as you laugh a bit to yourself.

"Uhhh, have you ever done anything legal that should be illegal?" Kaminari asks as you look at him surprised he come up with an actually good question compared to the last few questions.

"Yeah, but I'm not saying what! You didn't ask me to tell you that!" You say talking about you faking your death. "Wait... is it legal? Wait one second I need to figure out if it's legal or not."

You get out of the pool and grab your phone that is sitting not too far from the pool, opening up (preferred search engine) you try to figure out if faking your death is legal in Japan or not.

"Okay, so what I did wasn't illegal, but the steps I went through were illegal (arson), so take that as you please." You say getting back into the water as they all stare at you dumbfounded at what you just said. "Okay. Bakugo, truth or dare?"


"Bye guys!" Mina says as everyone walks back to their houses, Bakugo was going to walk you back to your apartment.

"So, am I allowed to know what the legal but still illegal thing you did was? Or do I already know about it?" Bakugo asks after getting out of everyone's hearing range.

"Faking my death, it's actually not illegal to fake your death, but the burning down my house on purpose is illegal so yeah." You say as the two of you keep walking in silence.


"Want to come in and chill or you going home?" You ask as you open the door to your apartment.

"I'm sure I can stay for half an hour before going back." Bakugo says as the two of you take your shoes off.

The two of you walk to your room to chill, putting you stuff away and in the wash, Bakugo sits on your bed on his phone.

"So, how was your first sleep over?" Bakugo asks you putting his phone down, as you fold some of your unworn clothing.

"I mean, other than litterly everyone seeing my scars and talking about my past I guess it was fun. But I mean I should have expected them to ask about my past and all that." You say walking over to join him on your bed.

"That's good, I'm glad you actually had some sort of fun."

"Don't be all sappy, you're supposed to be the tough 'I don't have feelings' guy!"

"I swear, those extras yell at me telling me not to be so grumpy all the time, then there's your dumbass that wants me to be grumpy. What the fuck."

"What can I say, I like people being themselves. I don't like people that pretend to be people they aren't."

"You fucking fake everything about yourself, what the fuck are you on about?"

"I faked my death, so I am a new fake person, as far as I know, you haven't faked a death, so you have no right faking your personality."

"Don't go playing the faking your death card on me! I can fake my death as well!"

"You can't just go around faking your death, you have to have an actual reason to."

"What is this!? Why can't I?"

"1, it's a lot harder than you think, I had to burn down my house, get out by myself without making noise so they didn't hear or see me, had to heal myself without any help. Hide away for weeks on the street, when a hero came to help me I had to pretend that my family kicked me out. 2, if you fake your death, you have to leave, your family, friends, school, pets, and clothing style behind, you have to get a new name, find new ways to use your quirk, and come up with an excuse for you not having any family and being some random person that nobody knows about."

"Whatever, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, want to watch a movie or something?"

"As long as this one is an actually good one, the one we watched at racoon eyes house was shitty."

"Oh, don't worry, you're choosing, I can't choose these things for the life of me."

"Then don't fucking complain when you get scared as hell."

"If I remember this correctly, last time we watched a movie at your house and you chose it you said the same thing and was holding back screams of horror while I was casually watching it, if anything I should be warning you."

"It's not my fault you're fucking traumatised and don't get fucking scared."

Vigilante Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن