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"You want to come in or you just walking me back?" You ask as the two of you arrive at your front door.

"I'll stay if that's not a problem, this time my uniform is going in my bag and I'm having a shower when I get home." He says as you unlock the door to your house.

"Haha, alright." You say as you walk in and take off you shoes.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'm just going to go put my phone on charge." You say walking down to your room to grab your charger.

Walking back into the living room you see Bakugo making food in the kitchen like he did last time. After putting your phone on charge, you get the uneaten lunch and put it in the fridge like you had done the day before.

"You don't seem to eat much do you?" Bakugo asks breaking the silence. "I noticed you didn't eat much of your lunch, and you put the leftovers in the fridge right next to the uneaten lunch from yesterday. What's up with that?"

"I don't like eating, like I'll eat as much as I need to not pass out. But there's no need to eat more than that, it's a waste of time." You say as you put your books on the table preparing to study.

"But it wouldn't have been a waste of time at lunch, you still have half an hour to eat. If you're going to lie to me, make it seem believable, you're shit at lying." He says putting the food onto two sperate plates before cleaning up.

"I don't like eating, I don't know what else to tell you. I've never liked eating more than I need to." You say as Bakugo sighs before turning around to face you.

"Has it never crossed your mind that it's just a habit you've made an excuse for. Like with your shitty father, he probably got you to think that and forced you to go on a diet. And when you were living on the streets you made sure to savour your money by not eating more than you needed to so you wouldn't starve if you ran out." With another sigh leaving his mouth he walks over to you. "Y/n, you're either subconsciously in an unhealthy habit or you're trying to starve yourself without making it obvious. Please tell me." He says pulling you into a hug.

"I've never thought about it, I know I've been eating less than normal, and I haven't tried to stop that. So, I guess a bit of both." You say as he tightens the hug.

"Please try to eat more, people care about your wellbeing. The only reason none of the extras has said anything is because you've only been there for 2 days and shrug it off as new girl anxiety." He says head resting on you shoulder. You swear you can hear sniffles randomly throughout the conversation.

"I can only try, I can't promise you anything other than that." You say as he rubs your back with his hands.


"Come on, pleaseeeeeeeeeee. I just want to have your number! Why won't you give it to me!" You complain kneeling in front of the blond.

"Because it's funny watching you complain." He says ruffling your hair. What is it with people ruffling your hair?

"Please Bakugo! I promise I won't ask for anything ever again!" You say fully aware that is a complete lie.

"Ugh, whatever. But none of those extras can know about this. If they find out that you have it then they'll be extra annoying, and you'll also get bombarded with begs for my number or for you to add me to some shitty group chat." He says as you give him your phone.




"What the fuck is that name!?" You yell as he gives you his phone back.

"My hero's name dumbass!" He says as you erupt in laughter. "What the fuck do you think you're laughing at!?"

"You can't be serious! Kacchan!?" You say laughing in between words gasping for air.

"Oh, shut up, what's your hero's name even going to be!?" He yells as you calm down.

"I don't even know honestly. All I know is that it's going to be better than your shitty name." You say sitting back down in your chair.


"Come on Y/n, if you want to see my house then you have to hurry up!" Bakugo yells from the front of my apartment.

"I'm getting there!" You yell running down in your casual nice but not fancy outfit.

"I'm getting there!" You yell running down in your casual nice but not fancy outfit

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"Come on, we don't have all fucking day." He says as I put my boots on.


"I'M BACK YOU OLD HAG!" Bakugo yells walking in as the two of you take off your shoes.

"STOP YELLING AT ME FOR ONCE KATSUKI!" A woman's voice from the other room said.

"Whatever, we're going to my room." Bakugo says grabbing your arm for the millionth time and drags you up the stairs of the modern house.

"Sorry about that, she can be a bitch sometimes." Bakugo says opening the door to his room.

"All good." You say sitting on the orange couch with black blankets and pillows. "What do you want to do?"

"Want to watch a movie? I can connect my laptop to the T.V." He says as you look over to the wall in front of the double bed, black sheets and covers decorated with more orange pillows and the rims of the sheets also have a dark orange.

"Sure, I don't watch much T.V so you can choose." You say walking over to the bed sitting up against the back board.

"Better not be easy to scare then, I like my horror shows." The blond says as the bedroom door opens. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU OLD HAG!?"

"STOP YELLING AT ME FOR ONCE KATSUKI! I JUST WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU WERE HUNGRY!" The woman, almost identical to Bakugo screamed back.

"WE HAD FOOD BEFORE WE GOT HERE! NOW LEAVE US ALONE!" Bakugo yells, now you understand what the others were talking about. He did act quiet differently towards you, there is no way he's only like this to his mother so this must be what the others see him as.

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