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"Hey Shota," you greet your guardian sitting his counter. "what's on for today?"

"You know I'm never going to tell you that." Aizawa says getting his morning coffee and sitting next to you.

"Come onnnnnn." You beg the man sitting next to you. "Pleaseeee!"

"Y/n. I already told you about next week, I'm not telling you about today." Aizawa says before tsking a sip of his drink.


"Is he here yet?" You hear Bakugo say walking in the classroom.

"No, not yet thankfully. I'd be so dead if you weren't here." You say as he walks over to his desk before turning on his phone. "To be fair it is 6:43, I'm not surprised he isn't here yet."

"What are you two talking about?" Aizawa asks confused at the whole interaction between the two of you.

You look at Bakugo who nods allowing you to tell the teacher. "Todoroki heard you when you were talking to us yesterday and he asked Mina for my number so he could call me, asking for an explanation, so he's coming to school early so I can give him an explanation. But I don't want him to know, and I'm shit at lying, so I'm getting Bakugo to do it for me. It won't even be suspicious because he was also involved when you were talking to us yesterday."

"So, he was eavesdropping on a staff member having a private conversation with two other students, got a student's private phone number without asking permission, called them, then demanded an explanation on what the staff was talking about when it has nothing to do with him." Aizawa says re-wording what I just said to make it seem like he did everything wrong.

"I mean, yeah." You say scratching the back of your neck. "Didn't really think about it like that."

"Then there should be no reason to lie to him, just tell him he has no need to know what we were talking about and that it's private information you don't need to tell him." Aizawa says as you look at Bakugo who again nods in agreement.


"Y/n, I'm here." Todoroki says opening the door of the classroom.

"Oh, hey." You say all the courage you had built up vanished the second you say the two toned hair boy walk in the classroom.

"Can you explain what Aizawa was talking about?" Todoroki asks walking up to you.

"She doesn't have to explain shit to you, you weren't apart of the conversation, and you never will be." Bakugo says noticing your nerves.

"As much as I don't like the words used, I have to agree with Bakugo." Aizawa says as Todoroki's face stays the same.

"Y/n has two quirks that I'm aware of, but yesterday you said that she has more than just the two. Why would she hide her quirks?" Todoroki asks not budging.

"Personal reasons." You sa6 finally rebuilding your confidence.

"Whatever half and half, Y/n and I are going to train." Bakugo says grabbing your arm and dragging you out of the classroom. "What's your natural hair colour?"

"White? Why?" You ask still being dragged to the changerooms.

"Has it not crossed your mind yet!?" Bakugo asks suddenly stopping. "What if he's your twin? He has fire and ice, so does your twin, he has a shithole of a father, so did you, he has a dead brother and sister, you have a dead brother and faked your death. How has it not crossed your mind that he could be your fucking twin!?"

"I've only known the guy for a week, how would I know about that stuff?" You ask trying not to raise your voice.

"Whatever, just. I think he might be your twin, everything is adding up. Both your family life adds up, and you probably lied about your birthday, so since the dates don't line up its probably another cover up proving my theory." Bakugo says still holding your arm.

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