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"I'm not telling you where we're going! It's a fucking surprise you little bitch." You say for the millionth time, walking into the classroom.

"Y/n, please refrain from using vulgar language." Iida scolds as Bakugo drags you away flipping him off.

"Fucking teachers pet." Bakugo mumbles to himself sitting in his chair.

"I heard that." You laugh to yourself. "Haven't heard that one yet."

"Oh, shut up." Bakugo says rolling his eyes putting his feet to the side of the desk you're not sitting on.

"You're just mad I got to the field first." You tease poking your tongue out.

"I told you it was a fucking fluke." Bakugo huffs kicking your side.

"Or it's because I have actually good training." You say laughing at the memory of Bakugo's exhaustion after your warmup.

"OKAY YOUR TREE FUCKING SWINGING IS TORCHER!" Bakugo yells, the rest of the class looking towards us. Confused at what caused Bakugo to yell at me.

"You big baby, the tree swings were only a warmup, and for you to get use to the place. That wasn't even the actual training." You laugh as the boy slouches back further into his seat.

"It's fucking hell that's what it is." Bakugo mumbles hatting how badly his body hurt after doing them.

"HEY GUYS!" Mina yells practically sliding over to us.

"Hey Mina." You say as Bakugo just sits not wanting to do anything.

"What 'cha talking about?" The girl asks sitting on the desk next to Bakugo's.

"Don't, you fucking dare." Bakugo mumbles, he knew she was trying to annoy him.

"Whattttttttttttt?" Mina asks in the most obvious way.

"God you're hopeless." You say rolling your eyes.

"You better be talking about Racoon eyes." Bakugo huffs staring at you.

"Oh no, of course." You say holding your hands up before directing your attention back to the girl. "You hear something he hates, want to know more about it, then continue to pester the boy about it. Then complain when he's nice to someone who doesn't do any of that bullshit to him, saying he has a crush on them, and that it's a mystery on how they don't get yelled at when you do. Like literally I've told you a million times, you do shit he hates, you do it continuously, then complain about how he treats you the same. Like what goes on in your head? What makes you think that treating him inhuman then complaining when he treats you the same is fair?"

"Come on. I'm joking around, he knows I'm joking." Mina says, the whole class still paying attention.

"No, your fucking not. How is anything you do 'just joking'? The things you say, and the things you make him do aren't funny. To anyone but you, have you ever thought to ask him if he thinks its funny? Or have you just assumed that he's fine with you forcing him to do shit he hates and talk shit about him to literally everyone." You say, snapping at the girl. "The first day I came here you were talking about how you drag the boy to hang out with you every day, and that he wasn't there that day because you hadn't forced him to be there. Did it no occur to you that he hated the whole thing? He isn't in your fucking group chat because he hates the idea of you guys annoying him all the time, him 'dealing' with you at school is enough shit for him. Having your phone number means he has to deal with you at home, if he doesn't want to give you his number then try to think why. Because if it's because the things you say to him then I'd start talking to him differently. And what about the time we went to your house for a sleepover a while back? We played truth or dare, and you guys kept daring other people to do shit to him, it wasn't even his fucking dare for crying out loud. And he obviously hated the whole thing, he hated hanging out with you guys, so obviously how you act towards him and the things you force him to do are things he hates."

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