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"Come on Bakugo! Just a quick run!" You beg, it was nearly 10 so he had to go to bed, but he wouldn't let you go our for a run before you went to bed yourself.

"We both know if I let you, it won't be a quick run." Bakugo says, you sitting on the floor with your forehead also on the floor as you beg him. "I'm not letting you go."

"Please!" You beg, still on the floor, not looking up at him. "Why can't I!?"

"How much sleep did you get last night?" He asks, he knew you got like none.

"Oh, um... well the... I got... well I was..." You stutter, trying to figure out how to word it.

"Exactly, you're not going for a run." He says, squatting down and holding your chin to look up at him.

"Ba- what..." You mumble, confused at what he was doing.

"You're not going outside until 6am tomorrow," he says, he was so close you started to blush, praying he didn't notice. "got it?"

"I, uh, y-yes." You stutter, him looking at you dead in the eyes.

"Good," he says, letting go of you and standing back up. "now I'm going to go brush my teeth, you change while I do that."


"I can't sleep Bakugo." You mumble, it was already 11 o'clock and he was still awake, waiting for you to fall asleep so he could go to his room.

"That's okay, I'm right here." He whispers back, bringing you closer to him as he plays with your hair trying to calm you down.

"I'm sorry," You mumble, him freezing for a second before you continue. "you should be asleep right now, I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay," He whispers, he understood the guilt you felt, the unnecessary guilt you felt. "I'm right here for you, you don't have to worry about me, okay?"

"Just go back to your room, I'm not going to fall asleep anytime soon." You mumble, trying to move back so he can get out.

"I'm not leaving you, even if that means I fall asleep in here, I'm not leaving you." He whispers, pulling you back into a cuddle with him, one hand on your back and the other playing with your hair. "I'm here for you, okay?"

"That's the problem, you should be in your room sleeping for you, not in here keeping yourself awake for me." You mumble, tears forcing their way out of your eyes.

"Y/n, I'm not leaving, I promise you I won't leave, okay?" He says, resting his forehead against yours. "You're safe here with me."

"Why can't I sleep Bakugo, I just want to sleep." You mumble, tears rolling out of your tired eyes.

"Come here," he says, sitting up and sitting you in his lap, your head resting on his shoulder nudged into his neck. "I'm right here, you're safe."

"I just want to sleep." You mumble in a cracked voice, your tears pouring into his now wet neck and shoulder.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." Bakugo whispers, rubbing circles on your back as he calms you down.


"Y/n, I need yo-" I say, opening the door to see Y/n asleep in Bakugo's arms, and from where I was standing, I could see her tried tears.

Shutting the door, I walk back to the teachers conference room. "So Aizawa? You find her?"

"She's probably out on patrol or something." I say, sitting down in the chair next to Yamada.

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