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"What do you mean? Leave? Leave our home?!"Lunar shouts, following Kit as he walks towards the royal nest.

"It is only an expedition."Kit says.

"An expedition for what? We have all that we need here!"Lunar exclaims.

"That's just like you Lunar, stuck in the old ways. There's a new king now."Kit says.

"Have you forgotten that I've been in rule of this place for the past 19 years? Not only have we survived but we're thriving, our crops are growing our meat is plentiful what even is the point of launching an expedition, putting the lives of our guards in jeopardy!"Lunar shouts, causing kit to pause before he enters the chambers.

"Is there anything else you'd like to say to me, Lunar? I am the new king. And you, are my royal advisor. I am doing what I'm doing in favor of the hive. We need to move further away from the human settlement."Kit says angrily.

"Why? Because you don't want the other humans to come and rescue the one you kidnapped?"Lunar says.

"Watch. Your. Tone."Kit says taking a menacing step towards him.

"I will not."Lunar says, his wings fluffing up as he was getting agitated.

"You are turning into a rude, deceitful, selfish king. That to me, is not a king worth serving. You are moving too fast in your rule, these fairies only recognize you as royalty because of your black wings and your father's face that he gave you."Lunar says as Kits face becomes angry.

"I advise you to choose your next words wisely. As I recall the punishment for treason in this kingdom is clipping."Kit says.

Lunar takes a deep breath, thinking about his children.

"..get it over with."Lunar demands, stepping aside.

Kit rolls his eyes and turns back towards the door, and pushes it open.

Instantly he pauses.

"Where is she?"Kit says.

"What do you mean?"Lunar asks, stepping into the room.

He sees it empty and suddenly feels his stomach drop.

"She's gone."he says.

Kit begins to breathe heavily and quickly walks over to the window.

"..make the call....NOW DAMN IT NOW!"he shouts.


Kat and Stephen run back towards the river.

Stephen limps, leaning some of his weight on Kat as the run.

"We're almost there."he breathes as Kat helps him down the river.

"Go on, get across hurry up."Stephen says as he takes her hand and helps her stepping into the deep river.



I whimper, quickly trying to wade across the river.

I get to the end and reach back as Stephen slowly dipping into the water.

He hisses as the water hits his back and he grabs my hand as I climb out of the river.

"You're doing so good Stephen, come on."I breathe as  I help him out of the river.

Finally, I see the extent of the wounds on his back and I gasp.

There was at least 10 long slashes on his back. Most of them were growing small, black feathers.

"Stephen, oh my god."I say softly.

"Don't look at it. Keep going."he sighs as he attempts to pull his tattered shirt over his back.

"Stephen, you're growing feathers!"I say as he stands and begins to limp in the direction of the settlement.

"I'll be fine, just need to keep moving."Stephen says, stumbling before I rush to help him walk.

I look up, seeing the veins on his neck that were dark and throbbing.

"There's something's happening to you, isn't there?"I ask.

"I'll explain, when we get there. When you're safe."he huffs.


After about 30 minutes of walking, Stephen was becoming a bit lethargic.

We could hear the bustling of the settlement a little ways away.

"Hold on."Stephen says, instantly falling to his knees and bringing me down with him.

"Stephen?! Are you okay love, what's wrong?"I ask, cupping his cheeks and looking into his eyes.

I instantly noticed his eyes were completely dilated and it was like I was staring into black eyes like a fairies.

"... something is happening...I shouldn't be here.."Stephen says softly before looking up at me.

"I think you need to leave.."he says softly.

He says.

"Leave? Why?"I whimper.

"....kit said he had to.....change me. I think I'm turning into something like Enoch.."he says quietly.

"No .he wouldn't do that to you. He loves you he wouldn't-"I was cut off by Stephen groaning out and leaning forward towards the group.

"My back!"he groans, reaching for his back.

I notice his shoulder blades throbbing and I hear popping like his bones were cracking.

"Stephen what do I do? H-how can I help?!"I sob as he  sits up again.

"Get to the settlement, Katherine. Just go, I'll be okay."he says shaking his head.

"I don't want to leave you, please."I sob as he leans down again.

"...just go. Please...I don't know where my mind will go when I change."he says, his voice sounding slightly distorted.

"I'll come back okay. I'm not gonna leave you alone."I whimper as I back away from him.

Suddenly he shouts and I hear his bones cracking loudly.

"Go!"Stephen shouts.

I quickly take off and run to where I see smoke rising above the trees.


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