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A man walks into what had used to be Katherine's home. Somehow, it had been ravaged by plant growth.

"Fascinating."the man says with a sweetish accent.

He approaches the man Kit had attacked in the kitchen. He too had been ravaged by the plant life.

A large tree grew right from his stomach, vines and roots grew from every orifice on his body. Strangely, he was still alive.

"Kill me...kill me.."he begs, making the sweetish man smile.

"Fritz."the man says, standing.

Another, large and tattooed man approaches.

"Yes sir?" He says.

"I want you to collect this tree man and have him brought to my lab, please."the man says, casually stepping over the man on the floor.

"Yes sir."Fritz responds, his eyes following the man as he walks past.

"What do you figure could have done this, Fritz?"the man asks, ducking beneath the hanging vines that suspended from the roof.

"I don't know, sir."Fritz responds.

"Suppose it was one of your kind. What would you say then?"the man asks.

Fritz doesn't answer.

"I thought you would say something along those lines. I want you to track him."The man says.

"I can try, sir. I'm not as good at as I used to be."Fritz responds.

"Well, then try, Fritz."


"Dad please, just trust me okay, I promise I'll have May back in a few days."Katherine says into the phone as the 3 of them enter her father's plane garage.

"Okay, okay I love you too."she says before hanging up.

"She's a thing of beauty."Dr. James says, walking towards the beautiful plane.

Kit excitedly jumps around, squaking with joy as if he had never been more excited.

"Easy Kit, I know you're excited."Stephen says, throwing the bags he had over his shoulder into the cavern.

Katherine chuckles as she opens the door.

"Go on kit, in the back."I smile.

Kit squawks with excitement and then jumps through the door.

But his wings stop him from fitting in.

"Oh no."Katherine says.

Kit wiggles his bum, trying to fit in more but fails again.

He lets off a few aggressively clicks and then tries once more, this time finally cramming himself into the plane.

"That was entertaining."Stephen says.

Katherine chuckles as she slips into the plane, watching Stephen push open the the gate.

He does a small jog and enters the plane with them.

He rushes to put on his seatbelt and tightens it as tight as it could be, then he puts on his headset and he lets out a shaking breath.

Kit Snickers from behind them. Then he lets out a sly sounding sound, making Stephen turn around to him.

"There is nothing wrong with being safe."Stephen says.

Katherine smiles, not understanding what kit said. But knowing exactly what he meant.


Katherine slightly chuckles as she starts the plane.

Stephen grips tightly to his seat as the plane flies.

Katherine was mapping their route as she flew, and kit admired the beauty of being above the cloud line and not having to work to get there.

"H-how long do you think we'll be up here?"Stephen asks Katherine, making her chuckle.

"About 6 more hours."she says.

Stephen groans.

"So you're completely okay being openly hanged a thousand feet in the air by kit, but planes are a no no?"

"Shhhhh.."Stephen says, making Katherine laugh.

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