The ceremony

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I watch from the crowd of fairies who sat quietly, watching as Lunar walks towards the center of the crowd on a stage like stump.

All the fairies that lived in the tree had gathered for this ceremony. Stephen and I were still a bit unsure of what was going to happen.

Suddenly, Lunar lifts his claw.

We instantly notice the fairies begin to stomp their feet in sync.

Then they all begin to chant.

"Cin are unworthui. Cin are unworthui. CIN ARE UNWORTHUI!"

"What are they saying?"I ask.

" are unworthy."Stephen responds as two larger female faries carry a large, wooden cage into the room and towards Lunar.

The chanting, and stomping continue as the cage is placed on the stage.

Lunar waves his hand, and the cage begins to blossom, like a flower.

It revealed Enoch, who was aggressively restrained and looking down.

All of the faries begin to boo, and scream profanities at him.

I see a shadow fly over us and look up, seeing kit swooping down.

Lunar raises his hand as kit lands behind him, and the chanting and booing cease.

"Hail the tree."Lunar says.

"The tree is life. The tree is god."all of the fairies respond.

"This. This abomination threatens the lives of us all. It disrespects the tree. It misuses her gifts."Lunar says, pointing to Enoch.

"They worship a tree?"I ask Stephen quietly.

"This tree houses them from the outside world. Humans and such. They see it as sort of a mother. Kit says there are teams if fairies who's only job is to look after and nurture the tree with their magics."Stephen says.

"How interesting."I say.

"Today, this abomination will finally benefit our tree. And with his sacrifice, we will thrive for centuries to come."he then looks back towards Enoch and Kit.

"Enoch. Son of Bor. Speak your last words, and choose them well."

It was silent for a few moments.

But then, Enoch begins to chuckle.

" I the abomination?"he asks, slowly looking up towards kit.

"Am I the one you're supposed to be afraid of? You stand here with this so called prince. The one who brought humans into your sacred tree?"Enoch says.

I begin to her nervous as a few of the fairies look towards Stephen and I.

"You speak of what you do not know."Lunar says.

"I know more than what you think."


The way Enoch was glaring at Kit made Katherine feel uneasy.

And kits expression was strange.

"Tell me, Lunar. Historian. Why is it that Kitran and I are the only fairies with black feathers?"Enoch asks.

Quiet mumbling amongst the other fairies begins, and instantly Lunar speaks.

"This ceremony is not about the prince. Do you not all agree that Enoch is unworthy."Lunar asks, looking out to the crowd.

The fairies in the crowd all cheer in agreement.

"Ah yes. Continue to hide the truth from them! It's alright Lunar we know the truth about the black feathers don't we!"Enoch shouts angrily over the shouting crowd.

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