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Stephen smiles a bit, seeing Katherine smiling and chattering with Draco.

"Look at you. You're infatuated with her aren't you?"Lunar says, walking over to him.

He looks up at him and huffs.

"Maybe a little."he responds, making Lunar chuckle.

"Tell her."Lunar says.

"She knows.. doesn't she?"he asks.

Lunar rolls his eyes so hard it was almost audible.

"You human men are so thick. You have to tell a woman how you feel, otherwise how will she know for sure? You have no right to hang that type of anxiety over her head. Tell her."Lunar says.

Stephen blushes with embarrassment.

"You're a better man than I, lunar."Stephen says softly.

"I know."Lunar says, comfortingly patting Stephen's back before walking away.

Stephen chuckles, folding his arms.


I rub my eyes as Stephen and I walk back towards our camp.

"These fairies know how to party."I say softly.

"And the fairy wine packs a punch. I'm gonna be hungover."Stephen grumbles, making me chuckle.

"Alright then, into bed with you."I smile, helping sit down on the cot.

"Katherine.."he says, gripping both my hands.

He pulls me close and then wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me.

"I love you, Katherine."

My heart rate increases and I gasp, my hands instinctively hugging his head.

"I love you too, Stephen."I smile, looking down at him.


Kit sits perched on a branch, looking down at the festivities below.

He feels the wind blowing and he opens his wings, spreading them out and feeling the wind run through the feathers.

But suddenly he catches a whiff of something strange.

He closes his wings and smells the air, looking around before jumping down off the branch, sniffing around.

Lunar sees him sniffing, and walks over.

"What is it you smell, kitran?"he asks.

Kit takes a long sniff of the air.

"I smell...unpure, lunar...I can't explain it."he says.

Lunar face looked pale.

"I can explain it."



I wake up, hot. I groan, pushing Stephen away from my and sitting up.

I fan myself and huff, missing my room and air conditioning.

I stand, walking over to the door and pushing it open a bit, letting cool air fill the room.

I sigh in relief as I feel the cool breeze on my neck. Suddenly, something flies past so fast the door slams closed, and Stephen jumps right out of his sleep.

"What?"he says.

"I think a fairy just slammed the door."I say quietly before trying to push the door open again.

"Why is it so hot?"he groans, pulling his shirt off.

"I'm trying to remedy the issue."I grunt before forcing the door open.

Just as I do, I see the scarred face of the prisoner fairy I met days before.

I scream and his claw grabs around my throat, silencing me.

"KATHERINE!"Stephen shouts before I'm lifted up and then yanked out of the room by my throat.

I begin batting at his hand around my throat, kicking at him from where I dangled in the air.

He walks me over to the edge of the tree, opening his wings.

"Hey! STOP!"Stephen shouts, causing Enoch to look back, seeing Stephen with a pistol.

"DROP HER NOW! YOU FUCKING DROP HER!"Stephen shouts, his hands shaking.


Enoch smiles.

"Drop..her?"he says in English, shocking Stephen.

"Now!"Stephen demands.

Enoch then shrugs his shoulders.


He throws Katherine from the tree, smiling evilly at Stephens horrified expression.

"NO!"Stephen runs over to the edge, looking down, still seeing Katherine falling, her limbs flailing in the wind.

Suddenly he feels a hard gust of wind and screams as he's knocked over the edge as well.

But he catches on to the edge before falling fully. He screams, looking down at the fall, seeing Enoch swoop down and catch Katherine before she fell into the trees below.

Then he watches as he flies her up, taking her up into the clouds where they vanish.

He whimpers, his grip slipping the more he tried to pull himself up.

"Dad!"Kit shouts, running over to Stephen as Lunar follows.

"Something took Katherine!"Stephen grunts as they pull him up over the edge.

"Something?"Lunar says.

"I-i don't know it looked like a fairy but it was all..messed up?"Stephen says.

"Enoch."Lunar says, looking away.

"Enoch is alive?!"Kit says.

"Yes he's alive, and now he has a human girl."Lunar says, jumping off the edge and flying down.

"Oh, great."Stephen huffs as kit wraps his arms around his father and then takes flight as well.


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