Step one:

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Katherine's pov

"Yes mother I'm fine. I'm sorry I had to rush out, I got a call from work."I say, taking a bottled water out of my fridge.

"Well, you're coming back next week right?"Mother asks.

"Of course."I chuckle.

"Okay then love. I'll call you tomorrow evening."She says.

"Alright, give father my love."I say before hanging up the phone.

I huff as I walk towards my basement door, I then walk down the stairs. I had converted my basement into a guestroom years ago.

And there in the bed I see it. Him. Laying in bed on his side, still clutching his note book.

"Hey."I say.

His head slightly perks up and he looks at me.

"Do you you drink water?"I ask.

He makes no motion to respond, but looks down at his notebook.

"You can talk to me, you know. I'm not going to hurt you, you're safe."I say.

He makes a strange clicking noise, like a dolphin. Then he slowly sits up, displaying the large, purple and green bruise on his ribcage.

I had put his arm in a sling for him to avoid further damage on it. He stands out of bed, walking over to the dresser.

"You can understand me, right?"I say.

He glances at me before directing his attention back to the dresser. He uses his monster like claw as a pencil, and begins carving into the wood of the desk.

I gasp as he mercilessly destroys the surface of my 1400 dollar rich mahogany dresser. Once he finishes, he taps the desk twice with his claw.

I walk over to the dresser and examine what he had written.

"K-I-T. Kit?"I say.

He then begins signing, as if he were spelling it out. Then he points to himself.

"Kit? Are you kit? That's your name?"I smile.

He nods, before looking at his notebook. He then looks at me. Slowly, he hands over the notebook to me.

He seemed to be handling it as if it were a child.

"I'll take care of it."I say reassuringly.

With a hopeful look, he releases the book. I look at him briefly before opening the notebook to the first page.

"To whom it may concern."

"Hello. My name is Stephen James. I'm a scientist. If you're reading this... I've either been arrested..or I'm dead."


I huff as I write in my notebook.

"You may not know this. But they're real. Monsters. Demons. Angels. They're real. And I've found one. I'm.. I'm not sure what he is quite yet...but I know this. He is very important."

"When I found him, he was hiding in a rotting log. He was tiny, couldn't have been more than a few months old. He was naked, and cold. Shivering. I didn't want to approach of course, because I didn't know what I was looking at. But as you get to know him, you'll come to find he's a decent, gentle soul."

"This notebook, is the step by step, hands on instructions for caring for a teenage Dark Fairy. His name is Kit."



I look up at kit, who was examining the wing I had bandaged up.

"Dark Fairy?"I say.

He looks up at me, making the strange clicking noises and then chirping, like an actual bird.

I direct attention back to the notebook.

"Step one: Food.

A raw protein diet is a must. He refuses to eat anything else. You'll come to find out that raw steak, and chicken are his favorites.

He also enjoys freshly squeezed orange juice. In fact, any citrus juice will do. And water, make sure he gets plenty of water.


You have this book. Weather you like this or not, Kit is going to see you as his parent. If you're a man, of course he'll be comfortable. But if you're a woman, I hate to say that he doesn't know what a mother's love is.

Please. Take care of my son. He's so special to me, and will become special to you. A Dark Fairy is nothing like a human child. Do not, underestimate what he is capable of.

I flip the page and find a photo. A man holding what seemed to be bay Kit in his arms. I take the photo out of the notebook, walking over to kit.

"Kit. Is this your dad?"I question.

He looks up. He sees the picture, and lets out a few sad sounding chirps, and a few clicks.

"Is he okay?"I question, sitting next to him.

He begins signing, letting out sad chirps and clicks, along with a few other noises I can't quite describe.

That must be how he speaks, other than asl.

"Kit, I can't understand. I-I don't speak sign language."I say.

He lets out a sad groan before taking the picture and holding it to his chest, tears falling from his eyes.

Something terrible must've happened.


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