Step four:

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A man sits, strapped to a chair, a black hood over his face.

2 other men enter the room, one instantly walking over to the man and slapping him in the back of the head, making him grunt.

He snatches the hood from the man's head as the other man folds his arms.

There sat Stephen , Kits father. He squints as his eyes adjust to the light. He blinks a few times before looking at the 2 men.

"...hiya, doc."Stephen says.

"Where is it?"The doctor asks.

"I'm sorry, I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about."Stephen responds with a smile.

The doctor looks at the other man in the room. The man then picks up a steel bucket of water from behind Stephen.

He splashes the water into Stephen's face, spanking him head to toe. Stephen chokes and spits out a bit of water before chuckling.

"Is that what you call torture?"He says before spitting water away from them.

"Tell us where it is and you won't have to find out."The doctor says.

Stephen chuckles, pulling on the restraints on his wrists.

"Where what is?"He responds.

The doctor huffs and shakes his head.

"You're such a bright young man, Stephen. But you make stupid decisions."he huffs as he walks towards the exit of the room.

Once both men leave the room, the door closes. Instantly, Stephen hears the click of an air cooling unit. He looks up, noticing the vents were now blowing freezing, frosted air.

He rolls his eyes.




I try to finish arranging Kits breakfast. A spread of raw meats for his picking. I hear him chirping away downstairs already.

"You can come up!"I call to him.

I hear him fumbling up the stairs, his large wings dragging the ground behind him.

He releases an excited sounding series of grunts and clicks as he sees the food.

"I didn't know what you'd prefer so I just set up a-"he grabs an angus steak from the table and tears into it like a wild animal, making me jump.

He eats fast, stuffing his mouth as much of possible before swallowing the meat without even chewing.

(I swear, if any of you take this the wrong way-)

"Wow. Hungry?"I question.

He looks up at me, his cheeks still stuffed. He then swallows and sits down, picking up a napkin and gently wiping his face. 

My god, he even has manners. He then begins to eat calmly, chewing with his mouth closed, and using utensils properly.

I smile as I sit down, opening the notebook.

Step Four: Flight

As you can see...kit has large, beautiful wings. You may be tempted to ask him to fly you, but be warned, kit isn't human, and isn't used to what humans are used to. Kit can fly so high, and so fast that the inertia will rip the skin right off your face.

You have to remind him that humans are sensitive.


Stephen shivers, his lips nearly blue. The water in his clothes had frozen, and it stung his skin. His lips quiver as he does breathing exercises, trying to regulate his heartbeat.

His hair was frosted, and the water on his eyelashes had frosted as well.

He had been here freezing for nearly 3 hours. Finally, the door opens. He shakes as the doctor opens the door, coming in with his goon.

"Hello Stephen. What's wrong, you look a bit blue?"He says, folding his arms.

"W-wow. So f-funny doc."Stephen chuckles.

"Are you ready to tell us where it is?"The doctor asks as Stephen pulls on the restraints.

His legs were sore from being chained in this position.

"What on earth are you talking about?"Stephen asks.

The doctor huffs and then nods to the goon in the room. The good walks over to Stephen and rips his shirt open, showcasing scars made from Kits claws on his chest.

The doctor walks over to the shivering Stephen, examining the scars and then looking Stephen in the eye.

"Strange scars. Couldn't have been made by a cat, could they."the doctor says.

"I was struck by a bear in yellowstone 3 years ago."Stephen huffs.

"... Stephen. You could die here. Is some foul, winged creature, worth your life?"the doctor asks.

Stephen stays quiet for a bit, shivering in place. Then he leans in towards the doctor.

"You must be daft. The only winged creatures I know of are birds."Stephen whispers.

The doctor huffs as he stands up straight.

"Fine. We'll leave you here for a few days! See if that loosens your bloody tongue!"the doctor shouts, stomping out if the room.

The goon throws another bucket of water on Stephen and he grunts. He shakes his head side to side, shaking the water off his face.

The goon chuckles at him as he leaves the room, closing Stephen back into darkness.


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