Love bug

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A "love bug" is a parasitic plant that can be used to control the body or mind of a mamal.

The flower attaches itself to the host and introduces it's roots into the hosts spinal chord. The fairies would use these flowers on livestock they kept, to keep them mindless enough not to wonder too far.

But, unlike the wolves and pigs the fairies kept as livestock, using the plant on a human causes a different effect.

Similar to the Luxuria, this plant produces spores that cause the host to exhibit symptoms of sexual frustration, along with the familiar confusion and memory loss.

It also secretes a sedative that keeps the host in a lethargic state for most of the time, and unfortunately the host is likely aware of their surroundings, but are unable to control how they react to them physically.


She stares out over the view with dead eyes. She was unsure how she had gotten to this point. She was unsure of everything.

Her hand slowly raises and comes to the back of her neck, her fingers brushing against the strange flower growing there.

She blinks slowly as her hand drops like dead weight by her side. She turns away from the view and looks around the room, sluggish.

She begins trying to stumble towards the door, as she has a feeling she should be trying to escape this place for some reason she couldn't quite grasp.

She stumbles drunkenly towards the door, but pauses as she sees it open.

Kit ducks into the room, tucking his wings in as he does. He closes the door behind himself and then turns to look at Katherine.

She was swaying slightly, and her eyes reflected green in the light.

"Hello, Katherine."Kit says quietly as he slowly walks towards her.

She stays in place, slowly looking up to kits face as he approaches and towers over her.

He looks down into her reflecting eyes before he speaks.

"...are you.. feeling alright?"he questions.

Katherine doesn't respond, her eyes blinking slowly as she looks up at him.

He sighs, his hand coming to her hair softly, lifting it and glancing at the small flower growing from her neck.

"It looks beautiful."he says softly.

Suddenly Katherine's eyes begin to water, and tears drip from her eyes.

"It's okay, Katherine."he says quietly before using the back of his hand to wipe her cheeks.

"I have to confess something to you, Katherine."he says, carefully tucking her hair behind her ear.



I look up into his dark eyes as he takes a deep breath.

"When you found me, after I was shot down in the woods. I was certain that night I was going to die. But you saved me. Took me in, cared for me. Like my father did."

He looks away briefly and I see shame in his eyes.

"....I guess I'm scared of losing that. Losing you."

In my head I formulate a response, but was unable to speak, my lips only quivering a bit.

Kit notices and gently moves his thumb over my lip.

"I'd never hurt you, Katherine. I intend to treat you like a queen, if you'd let me."kit says.

I look away and his claw comes to cup my cheek.

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