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The doctor  slowly wakes up, seeing the bare feet of Kit and Moon before slowly looking up.

"Fritz? You traitor!"The doctor says.

Kit growls, clenching his fists as Moon begins to speak.

"Where is Nala?"Moon demands.

The doctor spits at them.

"You'll never find her!"he says angrily.

"I will force you to tell me."Moon says angrily.

Kit steps forward, bearing his sharp claws. The doctor looks away and Kit grabs his face angrily.

"Am I the one you were looking for, doctor?"Kit asks.

The doctor doesn't respond, and Kit growls. He glared into the doctors eyes for a few moments.

And suddenly the doctor began to wince and he shouts as his eyes slowly begin to turn fully black, Like kits.

"What are you doing?"Moon asks, attempting to step forward.

"Shh."kit demands, still glaring at the whimpering mad as he begins to cry black tears.

Kit releases the doctor and his head drops, still whimpering.

But then he slowly looks up at the two.

" I the one you were looking for, doctor?"

".... yes..."

Kit then steps back again.

"Ask your questions now."he says to moon.

Moon was growing concerned due to the murderous look in kits eyes, but he turns to the doctor.

"Where is Nala? Where is my daughter?"

"....she's at our testing facility...the one we held the soldier in.."the doctor says, causing Moon to look at Kit.

"I know where that is."Kit says, glaring at the doctor.

"Good. Now leave him, Kitran."Moon says, placing his claw on Kits shoulder.

Kit shrugs Moon's hand away, stepping closer to the doctor again.

"...what did you do the soldier? Did you torture him?"Kit asks, anangry look in his eye.

The doctor takes a labored breath before speaking.


Before he could finish his sentence, Kit slashes the man across the face with his claw, causing him to scream out in agony.

"Kit no!"Moon says, grabbing his shoulders and pulling Kit away from the doctor.

"He tortured my father!"Kit shouts, blood dripping from his claw as he points it at the doctor.

"We are better than them."Moon says, gripping kits hands.

"He kidnapped your child. You're telling me you don't wish him dead?"Kit says angrily.

"My mind is not trained on revenge, Kit! You're letting your hatred for this man consume you! Please, let us go back to the nest. Please."Moon begs.

Kit looks back to the man's bloody face and lets out a disappointed huff.

"Fine. Let the forest have him."Kit says reluctantly before turning around.

Moon breathes a sigh of relief as they begin walking towards a clearing where they could safely flap their large wings.

Kit looks down at his blood covered claw as they do, intrigued by the unfamiliar scent.

He then looks back at the man, causing Moon to stop walking.

Kit takes a big, deep breath, and then another, and another, till his chest was puffed up.

Then he releases his breath, blowing a familiar blackish-green smoke from his lungs.

The doctor immediately begins to cough and convulse as kit watches.

"There. Now the forest can really have him."Kit says before attempting to bring his bloody claw to his lips to taste.

Suddenly he was struck by something hot, and fast.

He's thrown back and he falls to the ground before angrily standing up and growling.

Lunar swoops down from above.

"Idiot! You were just going to taste human blood?! Were you just going to destroy everything I worked so hard to protect you from?! You fool!"Lunar shouts angrily.

"Who are you calling a fool?!"Kit says angrily as Lunar approaches them.

"You! You are the fool! You come back here after all this time and you bring humans into a sacred place like this! Two humans you care about deeply! Do you know what you would've done to them had you tasted the blood?!"Lunar shouts.

"Do not shout at me I AM YOUR KING!"Kit booms so loudly it echoes multiple times.

Suddenly a gurgling sound from behind them pauses the altercation.

The doctor had been transformed into a strange looking tree, only his face and arms remained somewhat human-like.

"..k-kill me..kill mee.."the doctor begs.

Kit growls.


"Kitran, you are to return to the nest at once. Your father and Katherine are leaving."Lunar says, causing kit to snap his head back towards Lunar.

"Leaving? Why?!"Kit panics as he walks towards the clearing again.

"Enoch. With his dying breath he was able to explain to them how the death of your parents actually happened. And the truth of the prophecy."Lunar says.

"No. No she can't leave yet!"Kit says before flapping his wings aggressively and taking flight.

Lunar sighs as he looks back towards Moon.

"Have you located your daughter?"Lunar asks.

Moon only nods.

"Good. You should leave this place."Lunar says before attempting to walk away.

"Brother, wait."Moon says.

"..I've told her stories of you. Of our people. She's innocent in this world. She deserves to be home. I beg of you."

" she winged?"Lunar asks.

"No. But magical."Moon says.

Lunar sighs.

"A betrayal between blood is something I cannot forgive. But if she is to stay here, she will need her father."Lunar says, looking back at Moon.

He lets out a labored huff and walks to Lunar, who allows Moon to embrace him.

"Thank you, brother."Moon says.

Lunar hugs him back, feeling comfort as Moon was now going to stay home.

"You're welcome."


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