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Katherine huffs, looking up to where draco was patiently waiting for Kit to return.

"Draco come down!"I say, sad.

"I don't think he's coming down, love."Stephen says as he enters the room, his arms filled with gifts from the fairies.

"Are those all for us?"I question.

"Apparently we've made quite an impression on a lot of them. Especially Lunar's kids."he says, making me slightly chuckle as I put my hands on my hips, looking back up at Draco again.

"Draco just come down! Draco Malfoy!"I call.

"Draco! Draco Malfoy!" Draco chirps.

I groan, tossing my hands up in frustration.

"It's okay, he'll be happier here I bet. "Stephen says.

Suddenly we hear heavy running, and we both look back to see kit running into the room.

"Stop! What are you doing?!"Kit asks, emotional.

I back away as he approaches me.

"Why are you leaving? A-am I coming with you?"Kit asks.

"No, Kit. You're staying here."Stephen says.

"B-but I thought you guys were going to stay with me."he says.

"Kit, we don't belong here. All this magic and fairy stuff. This is your home kit and you're the ruler of it."Stephen says.

"I'm not ready for you to leave yet!"Kit says.

"You're more than ready, kit. You're going to be okay."Stephen says as Draco swoops down from above and lands on kits shoulder.

"And draco is going to stay with you."Stephen says.


Kit glances over at Katherine, who hadn't looked at him.

"Katherine?"Kit says.

She glances at him, but looks away quickly.

Kits lip quivers and he looks down at his claws.

"It's because of the prophecy, isn't it?"Kit says.

"..your own parents."Katherine says.

"They were trying to kill me."Kit says.

Stephen shakes his head and Katherine sighs.

"You could've told us. I understand, you just wanted to live. But you lied to us. We're leaving, kit."Katherine says, walking past Kit towards the exit.

Kit looks down and then runs towards the sky door, taking flight and disappearing into the clouds.

Stephen huffs as he follows after Katherine.


Kit swoops down in front of an old door that was near the back of the nest. He walks towards it and beats on the door.

"Elder!"he shouts.

No response.

He beats on the door again, and this time it opens.

An elderly fairy opens the door and looks up at kit.

"Oh. The prophet."she says.

"Where is the book of oak?"Kit demands, pushing his way into the elders quarters.

"There is nothing in the book of oak that will allow what you are seeking, Kitran."the elder says, closing the door.

"How do you know what I seek?"Kit asks as the elder wobbles over to her nest.

"Because it is fortold. In the prophecy. You wish to find a way to keep the humans here? Correct?"she says, pulling a thick, old book from under her table.

"..yes. Is there a way you can make them stay? Katherine is so upset with me..I don't want her to hate me."Kit says, pacing.

"And I've been with my dad my whole life, i-i don't know if him not being with me is a good idea."

"Kitran, you're the lost prince. The king. To the people, your word is law."the elder shrugs as she pulls an old looking, wooden book from under the nest.

"What am I to do? The prophecy won't come true if I don't taste human blood right?"Kit asks as she lays the book down before him.

She opens the book to a specific page, this displays a painting of a black winged fairy slaying humans in gruesome ways.

He sighs, looking down at it.

"That's me."he says softly.

"...that is you in the book of oak."

Kit looks back.

"What do you mean?"he questions.

"We, as dark fairies, worship the book of oak. But different fairies of the forest worship the book is sequoia. Redwood. Birch. There are only two books that describe the black winged king."she says, pulling a different colored book from under the table.

Kit moves the book of oak and allows her to place the new book on the table.

She opens this book and steps aside.

Kit looks down at this book, and instantly smile.

"Yes..YES! This fixes everything!"he says, picking up the book.

"Be careful kit. Information like this could be very upsetting to the nest. They only know of the book of oak."she says as kit walks towards the door.

He turns back to her, pausing.

"I'll make them see."he says.

He then ducks out of the small house and takes flight.


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