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Kit huffs as he walks back down the ramp towards his dwelling. There, he sees his father standing outside the room.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?"kit asks.

"What is this?"Stephen asks, holding the luxúria bloom.

Kit has to think quick.

"A flower?"he says, confused.

"What kind of flower?"Stephen asks.

"Well you're all red. Maybe it's a flower you're allergic to?"he says.

"Don't play stupid, kit."he says.

"It's the flower I picked for Kat."he clarifies.

"What kind."Stephen huffs.

"I don't know. A lotus?"kit asks.

"You know what this is kit."he responds.

"No, I don't."kit says.

"You made Katherine sick. "Stephen said angrily.

"I did?"kit asks.

"Are you being serious right now? You don't know what this is?"Stephen asks.

"Yes, I just saw it and thought it looked pretty. You give pretty flowers to pretty girls, right?"kit shrugs.

Stephen bites his lip.

"Come inside, quickly."Stephen demands.

They enter the room, kit gasps as he sees Katherine. She was laying in bed in nothing but a thin cloth covering her body. She was sweating, and flushed, moving in her sleep.

"My god. She looks like she's fresh off."Kit says.

"Kit, this flower you gave her exploded and then she inhaled something and it turned her into a sex crazed zombie."Stephen says.

"Holy shit. And I missed it?"kit says, walking over to her.

"The fairy who helped said the effects last almost 13 hours, she'll be like that all night and all morning."Stephen huffs.

"All this over a little flower?"Kit says, leaning over her.

"Yes, and now people are starting to assume you did it intentionally."Stephen says.

He most definitely did.

But he couldn't tell his father that, could he.

"If you go get one of those white flowers from the top of the tree and give it to her it might make her feel better."Kit says.

"That's what the lady said, I'm having lunar take me."Stephen says.

"I'll go."kit says.

"I think you should stay in the room. People are getting a bad impression of you."he says.

Kit huffs as there's a knock on the door.

It opens and Lunar steps in.

"Oh my, she looks terrible."he says, walking into the room.

"I know."Stephen says.

"And you look like shit too."Lunar says.

"I'm aware, cane we go now?"Stephen questions.

Lunar looks at kit, who had not taken his eyes off of Katherine.

"You, don't do anything stupid, you idiot."lunar demands.

"I'm not."Kit says, folding his arms.

Lunar looks him dead in the eye before turning back to his father.

"Let's hurry."he demands.

Stephen looks at Kit and then huffs as he follows lunar out of the room. They left the room silent as Kit looks down at the sleeping Katherine, who was flushed, and moaning in her sleep.

"Poor thing."Kit says, softly sitting down on the cot next to her.

She begins to mumble in her sleep, her hands shaking.

Kit thought she looked adorable. He carefully uses his claw to move her hair out of her face, and then he brushes the back of his hand against her cheek.

She moans, and leans into his touch.

"Wow, even in your sleep?"he asks quietly as he cups her cheek.

"I shouldn't wake her up. I shouldn't wake her up."kit says quietly.

She moans as she wraps her arms around his arm, hugging it to her chest.

"Oh wow, it's getting hard not to wake her up."Kit says.

He listens to her soft moans and huffs as he pulls his arm out of her grip and lets out a shakey breath.

".. Katherine.."he says softly.

Katherine doesn't respond and Kit sighs as he quickly climbs  into his hammock that hangs above her.

He begins to feel a surge of guilt run through his body. He begins to think of himself as selfish, and evil.

He turns around in his hammock, looking up at the high ceiling.

"Monster."Kit huffs, putting his hands over his face.

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