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I wake up, slowly opening my eyes.

I groan as I sit up, reaching for Stephen. He wasn't there. I look around, noticing the room empty.

I look down, noticing I was completely nude. I gasp, quickly covering myself with the blanket.

I begin to get glimpses of memories from last night. I instantly cover my face in embarrassment.

"Oh my good God."I groan.

I hear the door open and look up, seeing Stephen.

"Hey."he says.

"Hi."I say softly.

"How are you feeling? Better?"Stephen asks, carefully stepping into the room.

"Yeah. I'm okay."I say.

"Do you.. remember, anything that happened last night?"he asks.

"Um..a flower exploded in my face. We had sex, and I got punched in the face."I say as he steps into the room.

"Yeah. That about sums it up."


"He what?"I ask, slightly hurt.

"It's a bit difficult to explain."Lunar says, looking over at Kit who was looking down in shame.

"Kit accidentally drugged me? How do you accidentally drug someone?"I ask.

"I-it was just a pretty flower.."Kit shrugs.

"It's partially our fault. It's instilled in dark fairies as soon as they hatch, give the girl you like a flower. Luxúria
are normally reserved for the girls you...really, like."Lunar says.

"The women here are okay with being drugged like that!"I say as Stephen walks into the room.

"Well, it works different on humans, it makes them more aggressive. To our women it's the equivalent to smoking hemp and having a high sex drive."Lunar says.

"Kit I don't like that you did this!"I say, backing away towards Stephen.

"I'm sorry."kit says, his voice shaking.

"Hey I think we all need to relax okay. Kit, you shouldn't be crying if you did this to yourself, and you."he says pointing at Lunar as he pulls me closes to him.

"If you knew what it was why didn't you warm her?"

"I did! Did I not tell you to steer clear if it opened?"Lunar asks.

"Well yes but y-"he cuts me off by flapping his large wings and then stretching them open.

"Then might I suggest, instead of verbally drilling the prince, you should expand on your listening talents."

I gasp as he walks away, leaving kit standing alone.

"I'm sorry Katherine. I really am."kit says, his lips quivering.

"Why are you crying Kit?"I ask.

"I-i don't want you to not be part of my family anymore."Kit says softly, making my eyes go sad.

"Oh, kit."I huff, putting my hands on my hips.

"You're the closest thing to a mother or a friend that I've ever had. I really am sorry just..just don't leave me here.."he says.

Tears well in my eyes. Although I know such a thing should never be forgiven, he seems genuine.

I look up at Stephen who's face was also flushed with emotion.

"Kit, I'm not going to leave you. I'm always going to be your family."I smile, making Kit raise his head and smile.

"She's right. Just don't do that shit again. I could barely handle her this time."Stephen huffs.

I blush and huff as I take Kits hand.

"I understand your frustrations kit,'re so young, and there are so many beautiful fairies around."I say softly.

He then simply nods with a small smile.

"We should eat."he says, walking away.

He pulls his hand from my grip and I frown, looking out into the canopy of trees I could see.

I huff again.


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