Get the human girl.

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Stephen and I walk towards the center of the tree, where Lunar said the witches would be.

"Where are they?"I ask, pulling my bag over my shoulder a bit.

"Maybe we're just early."Stephen says.

I sigh, folding my arms as I look around at the tree.

I would miss this beautiful place.

Suddenly I feel Stephen grip my arm.

"Is that kits voice?"he says.

I listen closely, beginning to hear a voice.

"You must listen to me! The other prophecy speaks of death and bloodshed, when this one speaks of peace and unity. Which would you prefer to follow?"I hear kit say.

I look up, noticing they were in a room above us.

"It is absurd. You dare question our holy book?"Lunar says.

"Lunar, this could fix everything."Kit says.

I begin to follow the voice, Stephen following behind me.

"It could also change everything. The book of oak is the only book these fairies know."Lunar says as I  begin climbing the oddly shaped stairs.

I see the two of them speaking, a book between them.

"I am there king. And you, my trusted friend, you will aid in the creation of this beautiful new home. Think of your children."Kit says as I pause.

Lunar sighs.

"How sure are you that she is willing?"Lunar asks.

"...She won't be....but, you must trust me."Kit says.

He then offers Lunar his claw.


Lunar sighs, shaking his head.

"Do you think this could actually benefit the nest? Do you truly believe you can follow this prophecy?"Lunar asks.

"I'm positive."kit says.

Lunar sighs again before reluctantly taking kits claw.

"Keep the human girl."Lunar says, causing Stephen to cover his mouth.

"Keep the human girl."kit says.

My breath hitches, and instantly kit turns his head and looks at us.

".. Katherine.."Kit says, releasing Lunar's claw.

"Katherine, back away slowly."Stephen says, gripping my arm.

"..I need to see that book.."Katherine says softly as kit begins to approach.


Stephen suddenly pulls Katherine away as he sees kit approaching, rushing her down the misshapen stairs and out of the room.

"No! Stop them! Do the call, now!"Kit demands, looking at Lunar.

Lunar only bows and then takes flight.


Katherine and Stephen run into the feast hall where there were many fairies gathered, all chatting and squawking cheerfully.

"Alright, just act normal. Our best bet is to make it to the human settlement across the river. The fairies won't go past the river."Stephen says quietly.

Suddenly Lunar flies into the room, frantically looking around for Katherine.

One he spots her he lands, using his long claws to grapple himself to the wall. He points at them, and then lets out a monstrous sound screech, which brings all the chatter in the room to cease.

Then, one by one, each fairy turns to look at Katherine and Stephen.

"Oh my god."Katherine says, her voice shaking.

Stephen shakes his head.

"Katherine, do you trust me?"Stephen asks, pulling me closer to him.

I only nod, feeling thousands of eyes on me at once.

"I need you to run when I tell you to run."Stephen says, slowly pulling me back towards the doorway we came in from.

Some of the fairies begin closing in towards us.

"Go. GO. GO!"he shouts, pushing me back into the tree.

Instantly I hear shouting, and feel the rumble of hundreds of fairies swarming after us.

"Keep going straight! Keep going straight!"Stephen shouts as we run.

I begin to cry as I run, seeing a small sliver of sunlight that Stephen has us running towards.

"Don't look back!"Stephen says as he begins running before me.

I watch as he breaks through the wooden wall, falling to the ground outside of it and then quickly standing.

He helps me out of the hole and we instantly begin running into the woods.

"Just got to find the river. Look for the river!"Stephen says, pulling me along.


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