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I follow the woman and speak.

"Why did you take me down there?"I ask.

She doesn't respond for a bit.

"Enoch is the product of a human girl and a fairy. The girl was called Emily. A sweet girl fallen victim to a fairy with hate in his heart."she says.

"How did that happen?"I ask.

"She was lost in the jungle. Enoch's father found her and brought her here. He said she owed him a life, so she gave him one."she says.

"What happened to her?"I ask, causing her to stop.

She huffs.

"An egg grew inside her. But it was too big, she could not birth it."She says, looking at me.

"Enoch hatched inside her, clawed his way out of her womb, nearly killing her. And at 4 months he murdered his human sibling. 3 days later she abandoned him here, and he killed 7 other children."She says, making my lips quiver.

"W-why are you telling me this?"I ask, my breath hitching.

"Because I see the way Kitran looks at you. Enoch's father had the same glint in his eye."She says.

"Kitran is more powerful than any fairy here. Aside from Enoch. Kit has the power to manipulate human emotion, and trust, he will use it. Don't let him take you."She says, pointing her claw at me.

"Kit would never."I say.

She looks down at me.

"Are you sure?"


Stephen watches as Kit chats amongst the small fairies. They had never seen black wings before. Stephen softly smiles.

Katherine huffs as she walks over, sitting beside Stephen.

"Hey, where've you been?"he asks.

"Lunar's girl gave me a slightly horrifying tour of the tree. She says I shouldn't trust Kit."Katherine says.

"What? Why?"Stephen asks, sitting up.

"She says that he looks at me like he.. wants me."Katherine says.

"Kit would never hurt you. Your part of this family now, Kit would never hurt his family."Stephen says.

She thinks about it.

"You're right. Of course you're right."She says slightly chuckling.

He smiles as he looks over at kit.

"The kids love him. He's so happy here."Stephen says.

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking, Stephen?"Katherine asks.

"I don't know. If we leave him here he'll be with his people. But we're his people too."Stephen says.

"But he's safe here, Stephen."Katherine smiles, leaning against him.

"... that's my son, Katherine. I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about me."

Katherine smiles a bit, rubbing his back.

"He's growing up. You can't be mad at him for growing up Stevie."She says.

He chuckles.

"You're right. Of course you're right."Stephen says, rubbing his hands together.

Katherine smiles.

"I love you guys."she says.

Stephen smiles as well.


Sorry this is so short

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