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Kit swiftly lands Katherine back into the yard, where a fuming Stephen James was waiting.

Kit landed by his father, looking like a puppy that had just been yelled at.

He seemed to dramatically shrink when he knew he was in trouble.

"Kit. Do you know what could've happened to you and Ms. Katherine if you were caught?"Stephen says with his arms folded.

Kit lets out a series of chirps sounding sad.

"Yes. Died. Kit. You put Ms. Katherine in danger."Stephen says with his arms crossed.

Kit lowers his fingers, twiddling his fingers as he chirps. Stephen huffs and then looks at Katherine.

"I'm sorry about that luv."he says.

"It's alright..I'm sure he didn't mean to upset you hon."Katherine says.



I gently close the door, slowly watching kits sleeping face disappear.

"Out cold"I say as I turn back to his father.

"Always after a flight."he chuckles.

"Would you like some wine doctor James?"I ask as we begin to climb the stairs.

"I'd love some."


We sit at the kitchen table, chuckling as we sip our wine.

"I have to say, I've never seen wounds heal so fast."I say, signaling to his wounded shoulder.

"Oh, yeah. Kit has a thing, you know. The more you're around him the more you change. For me, I heal abnormally fast..and I get this sudden loss of fear."he shrugs.

"Sudden loss of fear?"I question.

"I don't know. My biggest insecurity before I met kit was my fear of everything. Heights, bugs, blood, guns. Commitment."he takes a big sip of his wine after he says commitment.

"And now, when something like..the commitment of raising a dark fairy pops up, or..being kidnapped and tortured by men with guns, or being swarmed by bees...I'm not scared."

He fascinated me.

"So you lose all fear when kits around?"I ask, sipping my whine.

"Not all fear. I still get nervous about being caught, or having kit taken away. Or the fact that he might actually have to leave me one day. I'm sure nothing can change fears like that, not for a parent."he says, making me smile.

"You're a good father, Doctor James."I say.

"Stephen, please."he smiles.

There's a comfortable pause between us, and we look into each other's eyes.
I break eye contact first, clearing my throat as I stand.

"Well, it's getting a bit late. You should get some rest."I smile.

"Right."he chuckles.

He grunts as he stands as well.

"Oh, um, Katherine."he says.

I turn around and I see him holding his notebook out to me.

"I figured you want to keep reading it."he says.

I smile, taking the book from him.

"Very kind of you. Thank you for trusting me with it."I say, hugging the book to my chest.

"You're welcome darling. And thank you. Goodnight."he says.

"Goodnight Stephen."I smile as he limps towards his room.


I carefully place the notebook on my side table before getting into my bed. I smile, thinking about Stephen and kit. Such a lovely family they are.


I awake, hearing a thud. I sit up, and attempt to turn my lamp on, but it doesn't work.

"Bloody hell."I say, opening my bedside drawer and pulling out a flashlight.

I flip it on and point it around the room, wondering where the this came from. I stand up, taking a few steps.

Almost instantly I'm trapped into someone's arms, and they cover my mouth. I shake in fear as I cling to my flashlight.

"Katherine it's me."I hear Stephen's voice in a whisper, and I lose the stiffness in my shoulders.

"There's someone in the house Katherine. I need you to gather a few necessary items, including the handbook, and make your way slowly to the nearest exit."he says.

"What about kit?"I say against his hand.

"Kit can handle his own. Just move quickly Katherine."he says, softly releasing me.

I quickly begin to gather supplies as I hear him creep out of the room. I gather my items and place them into a backpack.

I scurry quietly out of the room and towards the back door.

"Don't move."an unfamiliar voice halts me and I shake in fear.

"Lady. I'm not looking to kill anyone tonight. Me and my men are simply looking for a man, and a creature. Your job is to tell me where they are."

A beam of light from a flashlight hits my back and I jump again.

"Turn to face me."he demands.

I slowly turn around, and he aims the light at my torso as not to blind me.

"Simple question lady. Where is it? Where is the monster?"he says.

Suddenly I hear Draco chirp.

"Here I am! Here I am!"

The man turns around, and sees Kit towering over him with a demonic ora.

Before the man could do anything, Kit grabs the man's head and begins to blow into his face. He blows a thick, blackish green smoke into the man's face, suffocating him.

Kit drops the man and he begins convulsing on the ground.

Kit offers me his hand and I take it, we both run out the back door. We see Stephen running out the front door, followed by 2 men.

Kit screeches and makes a galavant leap over my head and stopping before the 2 men.

"Jesus Christ."one of them men says.

Kit does an odd hand movement, and the ground begins to rumble beneath our feet. Stephen rushes over to me.

"Come on!"he says, gripping my hand.

My feet were stuck in place as I watch roots begin to shoot out of the ground, piercing through the 2 men and mummifying them in place.

"Katherine let's go!"Stephen tugs me along and we take off running into the woods.

I he holds on to my hand as we run. Suddenly we hear Kit screech from above us, and Stephen stops in his tracks.

He then hugs me to his chest and looks up.

"Hold on."he says.

Quick as lighting, kit swoops down and grabs Stephen and I into the air.

I gasp, holding on to Stephen for dear life as Kit takes us higher and higher into the air.


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