The human girl

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I wake, finding myself in an unfamiliar room.

It was very clear I was back at the tree, so I quickly stand.

I look around, searching for Stephen but not seeing him. In fact I cloud see no sign of an exit anywhere. Only a large opening far above me.

"Shit."I sigh, looking around again.

The room was rather large, with a table and a few chairs.

An open book laid on the table, and I quickly approach it.

I couldn't understand the text of the book, but there was a beautifully illustrated picture across the pages.

One of a woman, and a black winged fairy, like kit.

Only the woman was aggressively pregnant, and she didn't seem to have wings.

My lips begin to quiver as I remember what Lunar's wife had told me before.

Suddenly I hear the sound of large, flapping wings and I look up.

I see Lunar slowly gliding into the opening above.

I back away from him as he lands.

He looks at me and then to the book before walking over to the book, leaning over it.

He sighs.

"The prophet unites the world's of magic and human by gifting a child to the human princess. That's what it says."

"....I gathered as much."I say, trying not to whimper.

"..I know this is wrong. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do."Lunar says, shame in his voice.

"You can take me out of this hole. You can let me go back home."I say.

"Yes, I could. Maybe the prophecy won't come true. Maybe Kit won't become a monster as long as he doesn't taste human blood....but kit wants to taste human blood."Lunar says.

"You know what's going to happen to me, Lunar. Why won't you help me?"I whimper.

He sighs.

"Because I'd rather live in a kingdom of peace and unity other than one of genocide."he says softly before looking at me.

"So you're just going to sacrifice me? Just like that?! I thought we were friends!"I shout at him.

"I'm sorry, Kat."he says, turning to me.

"If you were sorry you'd help me."

He groans.

"I have to think about my children, Katherine."he says.

"Lunar please."I say, on the brink of tears.

He turns away, shameful.

"...I'll be back with food for you."he says before flapping his large wings and taking flight.

"Liar!"I shout after him.

"You're a bad friend!"


Kit sits on the limb of the large tree, simply looking out into the forest.

He senses a presence and immediately identifies the scent as Lunar.

" is she doing?"Kit questions.

"...she's rather upset."Lunar responds from behind him.

Kit shakes his head.

"Doesn't she understand? This is better for the colony."Kit sighs.

"She knows what this is really about. I do too, Kitran."Lunar says.

He looks back.

"And just what do you think this is about, Lunar?"

Lunar looks down.

"Nothing, sire."

"I thought not. My father...what to do with him.."kit says.

"You could always..change him, sire."Lunar says.

Kit shakes his head.

"He wouldn't want that."Kit says.

"Him being human endangers our new prophecy."Lunar says.

"I wouldn't hurt my father."Kit says.

"You would if you smelt his blood."

Kit scoffs.

"You can't be right about everything."He says.

"There is not much I am wrong about, sire."

Kit looks down at his claws.

"...bring my father to me."


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