Step Two:

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Katherine's pov

I was fascinated by all the information this notebook had. Kit's approximate date of birth, his favorite things, games, toys. How to help him sleep, and even how to bathe him.

This man, Stephen James, must've really loved him. I look back at Kit, who was lying in bed. He still admired the photo of he and Stephen.

I felt bad. I didn't know how to comfort him. I look back down at the notebook.

"Step 2: Speaking.

As you've probably already found out. Kit doesn't know any human language. He says his language is called Earthspeak. Notice his low grunts, and clicking noises. Well, basically that's him speaking dolphin. And sometimes you'll hear him chirp like a bird, well. That is indeed him speaking bird."

"Earthspeak, as Kit explains it, is the mixture of all nonhuman languages. Bat, shark, monkey, bear even. He uses this to communicate with the animals around our house, warning them of dangers like hunters, or fire."

"But, I have successfully taught him to sign. Standard ASL, I hope you know how to understand. You'll need to know what happened to me in order to know what to do next..."



As I'm writing I hear a loud thud, and then a whine. I chuckle as I sit down my pen. I stand up and walk towards my bedroom, I notice kit on the floor, rubbing his forehead.

"What happened?"I ask.

He wasn't more than a year old here.

"I fell"he signs before pointing to his hammock.

"You fell, huh."I chuckle, kneeling down to pick him up.

He jumps into my arms, resting his head on my chest and covering himself with his wings.

"Fine. You can stay up with me for a little longer. Then straight to sleep."I say, walking back towards my desk.

He chirps, griping my shirt and climbing over my shoulder and resting against my back, clinging to my shirt to hold on. I sit down at my desk, picking up my pen again.

Kit chirps, and clicks as he looks over my shoulder.

"Well I can't stop. What if something happens to me?"I question as he jumps over my shoulder, running down my arm and sitting on my notebook.

"Safe? I'm safe?"he signs.

"You're safe now. But you're going to live longer than me, Kit. I'm an old man already."I chuckle.

He begins to sign with a few sassy chirps in his tone.

"22 isn't old!"

I chuckle as I pick him back up, sitting him on my shoulder.

"But I will be. That's the point of this Kit. You need to find someone you can trust if something happens to me."I say, writing.

He jumps off my shoulder, stopping my writing hand.

"Nothing..will."he signs.

"Oh, you're gonna protect me?"I chuckle.

"Strong. Protect papa."he signs before flexing his little muscles.

"I believe you."I smile.



I huff as I look at Kit's large wings. So incredibly big. How long will I be able to hide this poor creature.

How much bigger will he get?

I open the notebook back up to my current page, Speaking.

"You'll also come to find that Kit has a knack for games. His favorite game is scrabble. You can use this to communicate with him whilst you're trying to learn ASL. He loves it."

I smile as I look at Kit again, who was still looking at his picture.

"Kit."I say.

He glances at me.

"Want to play some board games?"I ask.


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