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I chuckle as I watch the fairies dance. They were celebrating the laying of an egg.

"Isn't that beautiful."Stephen says.

"It really is."I smile leaning against him.

I look behind us, seeing kit sitting on a branch, looking out into the night.

"Look at him."I say, making Stephen turn around.

"Lunar wants to crown him the prince tomorrow."he says.

"Whats he think about it?"

"Apparently he doesn't have a choice. His parents were the king and queen."

I look at him in shock.

"Really?"I ask.

Stephen nods, looking down.

"He has to stay here, Kat."

"...well, maybe it's sit the best, Stephen."I say softly.

He nods and then looks down at his hands. I look up, noticing something flying over the moon.

"Do you hear that?"I ask.

He looks at me, and then looks up as well.

"Hear what, love?"he asks.

I squint and then stand up.

"Draco?!"I shout.

I hear him squawk in the distance and I begin jumping up and down.

"It's Draco! It's my Parrot!"I say as he swoops down.

I hold out my hand and he lands swiftly on it as I begin crying.

"Draco! Draco Malfoy! Draco Malfoy!"Draco chirps happily.

"Oh my god how I've missed you! I'm so sorry mummy left you awweee."I whine, cuddling with him.

"How on earth did he find us? He must've been flying for days."Stephen says as a few of the fairy children approach.

"What is this creature?"the smallest one asks.

"This is my parrot Draco! I've raised him since he was an egg."I say to her with a smile.

"He is so happy to see you!"another chimes.

I chuckle as I ruffle his feathers.

Suddenly he squawks and then takes flight, making me gasp as I look up, watching him.

He does a loop and then swoops down near the edge of the tree, landing on kits shoulder and settling there.

I pout as Draco presses his beak against kits face and then imitates a kissing sound.

I look up at Stephen, touching his chest and then walking over to kit.

"Hi kit. Are you okay?"I ask.

He nods.

"I wish I wasn't so stubborn. If I would've listened to my dad. Stayed in, not take you flying. We probably wouldn't be here. None of this would be happening."he says softly.

I pout a bit, looking down at him.

"Kit, this place is so beautiful. There's so much love in this place. I'm so glad we came here, I'm so glad you're reunited with your people. And they love you so much they're fulfilling your birth right. I'm so happy that I get to be here to see that Kit."I say softly.

He smiles a bit, trying to hide it.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Mistakes or not. I forgive you kit."I say.

It's hard for him to hide his smile now, but I chuckle as I step back, walking away.


Meanwhile, deep in the ground at the base of the tree, Enoch sat. Scratching.

Using his long, sharp claws to carve pictures into the wood of his prison cell.

A near perfect portrait of Katherine. But he would only refer to her has the human girl.

He finishes another of his hundreds portraits and then looks down at the corner, at the hole he had been cleaning for the years he'd been kept there.

The one that was about and inch thick now, and weak enough to break through with force.

Soon, this beast would be free.

And with only one thing on his mind.

The human girl.

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