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I watch, intrigued by the beautiful sight before me.

Kit, Stephen and I sit, watching a troop of fairies dance elegantly before the fire.

"It's a tradition with newcomers."Kit says.

"A dance that's meant to bring rain, rain here is a sign of good luck and prosperity."

"It's beautiful."I say softly.

I notice kit glancing over at the flowers growing along the edge of the tree.

He looks at me before picking one of the flowers. He smiles as he hands it to me.

"Awe, beautiful."I smile.

The flower looked strange, unique. Like the bulb of a flower that hadn't bloomed yet.

"It's a luxúria bulb. They bloom 3 hours after they're picked."kit says.

"How fascinating."I say, examining the flower.

He places his head on my shoulder as we begin watching the dancing again.

I look at Stephen, who was also watching the dancing.

"Are you alright Stephen?"I ask.

He nods.

"I think I have a lot on my mind, and yet nothing on my mind."he says.

"You seem stressed."I say.

"Maybe a little."he says.


I chuckle as I walk hand in hand with two of the children fairies.

"Tell us more of the human world!"one of them asks.

"Well, what would you like to know?"I ask.

"How do you get your food? Do you hunt?"one asks.

"No, actually we go to a place call the supermarket and buy stuff to cook."I say.

"That's so strange!"one girl says.

"That is enough young."I hear Lunar's voice from behind me.

I turn around as the children run to lunar and he directs them to bed.

"Good evening Ms. Katherine."he says, walking over to me.

"Good evening lunar."I say with a smile.

"Katherine, do you know if you will be leaving?"he asks.

"I think so? Why?"I ask.

"Well, it's just that the children adore you so."he smiles.

I chuckle, fiddling with the flower I had placed in my hair.

"Oh, what a lovely luxúria."he says, admiring it.

"Thank you."I smile.

"Be careful of the flowers you pick, don't get to close to it when it blooms."he says.

"Okay."I smile.

He does a formal bow and then leaves.

I chuckle as I walk towards my dwellings.


I see Stephen already there. Kit enters the room as well, shortly after me.

"I thought you were going with Lunar tonight dad."Kit says.

"He said he'd rather take you. He still doesn't trust me."Stephen says.

"Awe, I wanted to stay here."he says, looking at me.

"I suggest you just get it over with. It's just a survey, it won't take long."Stephen says.

Kits expression of disappointment made me frown.

He looks at me and huffs.

"Fine. I'll be back."he says.

Then he leaves and I chuckle.

"Looks like he wanted some alone time."I say, taking the bulb out of my hair.

I admire the strange looking flower and smile at the gentle memory it brought.

"Are you alright Stephen? For real?"I ask.

"I think so. You know that fear I had. The fear of losing kit. I..I think it's fading."he says.


Katherine slowly turns to Stephen.

"Why do you think so?"she asks.

"I just see him now. He's so happy here. I mean, he was happy when he was with us, but not as happy as he is here."Stephen says.

Katherine smiles as she looks at the small bulb that began to twitch slightly as it was starting to bloom.

"Im glad you're starting to loosen up on the thought of leaving him here."she says.

"Me too."he chuckles.

Katherine watches closely as the flower begins to slowly open.

"Oh wow, it's beautiful."She says softly as it slowly opens.

Suddenly, it releases a puff of green smoke, which Katherine inhales.

She gasps dropping the flower and begining to cough as her hands come to her throat.

"Are you alright?"Stephen asks, turning towards her.

She coughs and wheezes, whatever she inhaled was burning her throat.

Stephen stands up straight, looking at her with concern. He watches as she heaves and then bends down to catch her breath.

Then it's silent for a moment as she slowly stands straight.

"Katherine?"Stephen says.

Katherine slowly turns around, facing him.

She huffs with an attractive smile. Stephen notices a reflective glint of green in her eyes and becomes confused.

"Are you alright?"he asks.

"Oh yes."she says lustfully.

"What?"Stephen asks as she walks over to him.

"I'm okay Stephen."she says, placing her hand on his chest.

"Are you sure? You're acting a bit strange."Stephen says.

"Stephen."she says, placing both her hands on his chest and pushing him down on the small cot they shared.

"I'm feeling better than okay."she smiles seductively as she straddles over him.

"My word, hello."he says, placing his hands on her hips.

"I like it when you touch me like than."she says seductively, placing her hands on his.

"Geez, what's gotten into you."he asks

"Oh please, please Stephen?"she begs, beginning to kiss his face and lips.

"Please what?"Stephen asks, his breath hitching as Katherine kisses his ear.

"I need you. Please Stephen. Please, I can't stand it. I want you so bad."she begs.

"Oh-god."Stephen says as she begins grinding against him.

Katherine begins releasing eager, needy moans as Stephen grips her hips.

"Fuck."Stephen says as Katherine whines eagerly.

"Please Stephen, I can't stand it, please. Please. Please!"she begs, grinding harder.

Stephen groans as his hands travel up her body quickly, taking her shirt up.

She smashed her lips into his, kissing him passionately as he quickly removes her shirt.

"Please-more!"Katherine moans against his lips as they slowly lean back.


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