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I smile as I watch Kit, who was fascinated by my pet african grey parrot, Draco.

Kit would chirp at the bird, and the bird would chirp back, as if they were in conversation.

"Draco-Draco Malfoy"Draco says, his favorite saying.

Kit squaks with excitement that Draco could speak.

"If you want, you can open the cage kit."I chuckle.

He looks at me, letting out some confused clicks.

"The latch."I motion to the latch on the cage door.

Still confused, he directs his attention back to the cage.

"Scared, Potter?"Draco says.

Using his claw he carefully lifts the hook of the latch and the door swings open.

Kit and Draco exchange a few chirps before draco hops info Kits awaiting claw.

Fascinated, kit drops to the floor, sitting criss cross as the bird continued to speak to him. They chirp, and tweet back and forth till draco decides to use words.

"Kit! Ka-Ih-t. Kit!"Draco says.

Wow, they're really communicating, I think to myself.

Then, I begin to see Kit start to mouth his name.

Oh my god he's gonna speak. My parrot is teaching him to speak. I excitedly wait as he mouths the words that Draco was saying.

Until finally.


He had a soft, somewhat english accent.

"Oh my god"I say excitedly.

"Kit."Kit says again, making Draco chirp with excitement.

Suddenly we all jump, hearing a booming knock on the door. Kit gets nervous, letting if soft, scared clicks and whines.

"Go to the basement Kit, take Draco with you."I demand.

He stands, his large wings close together on his back, showing he was scared as he walked into the basement.

I smooth out my gown and then slip on a large jacket as the booming in the door continues. My hands shake as I walk towards the door.

I unhook the latch lock and twist the deadbolt open. I open the door leaving the chain lock in place. There, I see him.

Stephen James, bleeding from almost everywhere.

"Pardon the-"I cut him off by closing the door and sliding the chain link off, and then opening the door again.

He was holding his shoulder, and there was a large bloodstain on his shoulder. Both his lips and eyebrows were split, and leaking blood, he also had a slash on his forehead.

He takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"Pardon the intrusion ma'am. I've been running for hours, and this is the first house I've come in contact with. My name is-"

I cut him off again.

"Stephen."I say.

He cracks a small smile before he nods.

"Do you mind if I come in?"he attempts to stand straight, but fails, stumbling.

I catch him, allowing him to put his weight on me.

"This way, the basement."I say.


He grunts, and hisses his way down the basement stairs, but stops once he sees kit with his back to us, talking to Draco.

He nods to me and I smile as I let him go, walking down the stairs the rest of the way.

He folds his arms.

"Oi."Stephen says.

Kit instantly turns around, screeching once he sees Stephen.

He flaps his large wings, jumping over the bed and into Stephen's arms, tackling him to the ground.

"Oh, my boy! I've missed you!"Stephen says, hugging onto Kit like he was about to die.

Kit was whimpering, and crying with joy, hugging his father.

"Um, I think this is yours."I say, picking up the notebook.

"Oh! My handbook!"Stephen says, squeezing himself out of Kits grip.

He smiles as he takes the book.

"Thank you, for looking after my son, Miss.."he says.

"Oh, Katherine. You can call me Kat."I smile.

"Thank you."he says again.

"Um, I'm a medical student, I could look at your wounds."I say.

"Oh, thank you."he says, sitting the book down.

"Kit, can you help Ms. Katherine?"Stephen asks.

Kit chirps, signing to his father.

"He says anything he can do."Stephen shrugs.


After I finish gathering my medical supplies, I walk back down to the basement.

"Can you tell me what happened?"I ask.

"Uuh, gunshot, gunshot, knife wound, fell into a stream, punched someone a bit too hard"he begins pointing out his numerous wounds.

"And I think this is frostbite."he says, showing me the side of his hand that was definitely frostbitten.

"Yep, mind if I cut your shirt?"I ask.

He shakes his head as I pick up a pair of scissors. I slice up the center of his shirt, and then through the sleeves as kit comes down carrying a tub if warm water.

I was taken aback by the beautiful tattoos I saw.

"Wow."I say, in awe.

"Pretty great, right?"he chuckles.

One in particular stands out, on his wrist.

"You were in the military?"I ask.

"Mm. British Special Forces."he says.

He says, looking at Kit.

"That's how I found Kit."

I look over at him and slightly smile.

"He really is a sweet boy."I say.

"Boy"Stephen chuckles.

"He's over 4000 years old."

"What?!"I say, looking at Kit.

He signs something to his father.

"In fairy years. He's actually 18."Stephen says, grunting as I poke around his wound.

I chuckle.

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