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The doctor and Fritz walk into the empty garage, where the plane that took Kit, Katherine, and Stephen to Brazil had been.

"Hm.."the doctor says.

Instantly, Fritz notices the strange, large black feathers on the ground.

"What do you think, Fritz?"the doctor asks.

He squats down, touching one of the feathers.

"They left approximately 14 hours ago, sir."Fritz says.

"Is it with them?"The doctor asks.

"Yes sir."Fritz says, running his finger over one of the soft feathers.

"Where do you think they're headed?"

Fritz slowly stands, huffing as he rubs the back of his neck.

"I-i- don't know sir."Fritz says.

This makes the doctor laugh.

"You work for me, Fritz. You're the only person on this planet that can track that beast. And now you're saying you can't see it's trail?"the doctor asks.

Fritz looks down, not responding.

"Brazil, sir."Fritz says.

"Aahh Brazil. I hear it's beautiful this time of year. Ready our things."The doctor says as he exits the garage.

Fritz looks down at the black feather he held between his fingers. His lips quiver as he runs his finger over it.

He then huffs, looking up.



I slowly open my eyes, seeing Stephen across from me.

I look up, seeing kit open mouth snoring in the hammock above us.

Suddenly my stomach growls. So loud that it startles Stephen.

"Christ, is there an earthquake?"He asks, sitting up.

I chuckle.

"Pst."I hear someone say.

I look over seeing one of Lunar's children.

"My father sent me to gather you for day feast."she says.

"Day feast is breakfast."Stephen says.

I smile as I stand.


The child leads us to a large dining hall, where a number of fairies were gathered, eating raw meats.

"Don't worry, we know humans don't eat the way we do."The little fairy gripping my hand says.

We see Lunar and he raises his claw, signaling us to come.

We approach him as he eats.

"Take a seat."he says ripping into a steak.

We take our seats next to him and he licks the blood off his lips.

"There are things about Kitran that you do not know. You know that he is a dark fairy."Lunar says.

"Yes, we know that."Stephen says.

"Good. Has he ever tasted human blood?"Lunar asks, making Stephen grow a concerned look.

"No, why?"Stephen asks.

"Don't let him taste it. He's a different breed of fairy. One taste of human blood and the Kit you know, happy, bubbly, cuddly, sweet kit. That boy will disappear."Lunar says.

"Kit wouldn't do that, he only hurts people to protect us, other than that he wouldn't hurt a fly."I say.

"Nonsense. Kit is a predator. And once he tastes human blood all memories of who you are to him will disappear, and he'll only see you as one thing, food."Lunar says.

"He's never mentioned this to me."Stephen says.

"Because he doesn't know. My job when we were younglings was to keep him away from the humans."Lunar says before making eye contact with Stephen.

"Clearly, I failed."

"Like it or not kit is my son, Lunar. He'll choose me over you, always."Stephen says.

Lunar stands, towering over Stephen.

"I remember you, soldier man."Lunar says, leaning down to Stephen's face.b

"You found the grave of Kits parents, and you said no one would believe you if you told them."Lunar says, making Katherine look at Stephen.

"And when you found Kit in that hollowed tree, you couldn't believe your eyes. And you tucked him away in your stupid green jacket, and you took him away from us."Lunar says.

"He was starving and cold."Stephen says.

"And I was there."Lunar whispers before walking away.

Stephen huffs, running his fingers through his hair.

"Here you go."The little fairy places a bowl of bread and oatmeal on the able before me, and Stephen a plate of bread and cooked meats.

"My father says human girls carry their young inside them."The little girl says making me chuckle.

"Why yes, that's true."I say.

"Forever?"she asks quietly.

"Oh no, not forever. Only for 9 months."I say.

She turns to Stephen.

"Where do you keep your young?"she asks, making his face go pale.

"That is enough xeno."A tall, muscular female fairy approaches us both and holds out her hand to the little fairy.

"Yes mother."Xeno says.

Her mother picks her up and places her on her back between her wings.

"You, come."She says pointing to me.

I'm immediately intimidated by her, so I stand, picking up one of the rolls in my bowl.

"I-i'll be back."I say as she pulls me along and we leave the dining hall.

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