Don't look back- Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

“Um, someone usually sits there.” I told him.

“OK, well I guess I'll just move when they get here.” I nodded reluctantly as the class began. Ms. Stevens passed out review guides for the upcoming exam. I looked it over and saw I barely knew anything on it.

I groaned loudly and Shane turned to look at me.

“What's wrong?” he asked slightly amused.

“I don't know anything on this packet.” I folded it back to the front page and set it down on the table.

“Need help?” I nodded sheepishly.

He leaned over to me and explained all of the stuff to me. Every few minutes my gaze would drift to the door. I was confused so I decided to check my phone to see if I had any messages.

Shane was in the middle of explaining something to me when I reached down to grab my phone from my bag. I looked over to the teacher and saw her on the computer not looking toward me. I undid the lock code and checked my messages to see if Justin went home sick or anything.

I had no new messages; I let out a huff of air frustrated.

“Is something wrong?” Shane asked me concerned.

“Uh, I don't know.” I sighed and looked over to the clock above the door.

“Impatient are we?” he asked me in an amused yet mocking tone.

“Yeah.” I looked at the clock again and saw that there was only five minutes left so I started to pack up my things. I put my chin on my hand and waited for the bell to finally ring. I stood up and grabbed my bags, slinging them over my shoulder.

“Where you headed next?” he asked me casually.

“Art.” I said as I stepped out of the door and into the overly crowded hall way.

“Oh poo, that sucks I have business.” he pouted which made me laugh; Shane was turning out to a pretty interesting person, someone I could easily be friends with.

“Sounds like someone’s disappointed.” I told him teasingly.

“Yes, actually I am, I hate business.” I smiled at his statement.

We were nearing the art room quickly, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Justin waiting by the door. I was glad he was there since I haven't seen Mr. Daniels since the time he made me kiss him.

“Hey.” I said to Justin smiling.

“Hey. Who’s this?” he nodded toward Shane.

“This is my friend Shane. Shane this is Justin, Justin this is Shane.” I gestured between the two of them when I said their names.

“Hey Alexa, do you know which way the business class is?” I laughed and pointed down the way he came from.

“Go straight down that way and make a left turn, it should be room 114.”

He smiled at me. “Thanks.” he started walking away and I waved at him and he waved back to me. I turned my attention back to Justin.

“Why weren't you in Biology?” I ask him with letting some annoyance out of my voice.

“I had to talk to someone.” he said blankly not really telling me anything. I sighed and frowned.

“Where were you during lunch?” he asked me in the same tone of voice I asked him.

“Library.” I told him walking into the classroom. I stopped walking when I saw Mr. Daniels looking smirking at me. It was so sickening that it made my stomach churn. Justin ran into my back and was going to say something teasing when he noticed my face and who it was directed to.

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