All I want for Christmas is you

Start from the beginning

"But it's still his mom. We can't just keep him away," Jennifer insisted, her gaze challenging my position.

"I get that, but she hasn't been around for the kids when they needed her. Sam shouldn't be the only one who gets to decide how we spend our family time," I argued, standing my ground.

"But, papi, I remember how lonely I felt when the kids were at Marc's house. I don't want Sam to go through that," Jennifer revealed, her voice carrying the weight of her past experiences.

"I understand your feelings, but it's not fair for Sam's mom to show up only when it's convenient for her. We need to prioritize our family's well-being," I countered, emphasizing the importance of consistency for the kids.

Jennifer's frustration boiled over, and she scolded me, her voice rising, "You can't just decide everything! Sam deserves a relationship with his mom, and I won't let you keep him away. It's not about convenience; it's about family! I understand you don't like her and I don't as well but when it comes to a mother and their child, you need to let her have this one moment." Her words hung in the air.

I stayed quiet and nodded softly. "If he comes back crying.. I'm blaming it all on you. You don't know what it's like to be married to her. But whatever, he's your son too. So go ahead and let our son get traumatized again." I said to her and was trying my best to not raise my voice. I moved past her and continued to make breakfast. Jenn rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Samuel!!" She called out. He ran downstairs and was excited to see her.

"Yes momma? I mean good morning momma." He said and gave her a hug.

"Come and eat breakfast then I'll help you pack so we can take you to your moms." Jenn smiled and hugged him back.

"Um.. mom doesn't want me to come over anymore..." Sam's smile dropped as he looked down.

"Why, what happened bubba?" She asked and he handed her his phone to show her the text message his mom sent him.


M: "Hi Sammy. Mommy won't be able to spend Christmas with you this year. I have to go to Colorado for work. But maybe next year? I'll try to make it and see you on your birthday at least. I'm sorry buddy. I love you lots."

S: "it's okay mom.. maybe next time."

Jenn carefully placed the phone on the table, then settled Juni into her playpen in the kitchen. With deliberate tenderness, she ushered Sam to the backyard, enveloping him in an embrace.

"It's going to be okay, Sammy. You have me and dad. Okay? I promise you we'll have a good Christmas. We love you so much, bubba," Jenn assured him, her voice a soothing balm.

"But... I just wished Mom would spend time with us... and Dad too," Sam confessed, tears welling up.

"It's going to be okay. My dad wasn't around a lot either when I was a kid, but I promise you that I will be here. And so will your dad," Jenn comforted him, holding him close as he poured out his feelings.

As I sighed, gazing out of the window overlooking the backyard, their heartfelt exchange unfolded.

After I finished cooking, Sam and Jennifer returned inside, and the kids descended the stairs. Jenn cast a remorseful glance my way, acknowledging her outburst.

Later, she approached me, a genuine apology in her eyes. "Can we talk? I need to apologize for how I reacted earlier," she requested, recognizing her lapse in judgment.

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