Chapter 327: Shizuo Heiwajima/Shinichi Kudo vs Izaya Orihara/Kaito Kid

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Ronin: Well, I had a good nap and honestly, I wished I could've gone for another 2 hours so that you don't start barking orders at me.

Haru: As lazy as ever huh? That's fine, I don't even have a job for you. At least, not yet. 

Ronin: Good thing you didn't send me to work with the Port Mafia. It would've taken too much time if I were the one there with Aoto-san. Plus, it would be a hassle if I were working for someone like Dr. Mori. 

Haru: I do agree. I don't think he'd take a lethargic piece of shit like you anyway. 

Ronin: No need to be offensive your majesty but I agree. It's fatally bad on everyone if I'm the one doing the info gathering for the Crimson Shinigami. I'd rather have things over and done with. Besides, isn't your girlfriend also in charge of that? 

Haru: Haruno is not my girlfriend. 

Ronin: Keep telling yourself that. 

Haru: Don't make me kick your teeth down that throat of yours. 

Ronin: My apologies your majesty. I'm just living up the mood. 




4 days before the meeting

Ikebukuro, Japan

Izaya's Office

Izaya, Kaito Kid, along with the hypnotized Aoba were waiting for their guests to arrive. 

Kaito: Are you sure this is even a good idea? 

Izaya: Relax. It's gonna be fine. They surprisingly brought an old friend of mine to the party. 

Kaito: You mean the one with the glasses, right? 

Izaya: Exactly.

Kaito: You know him?

Izaya: We go way back but he's not my problem. Shizu-chan is my problem. You go deal with the detective since you did say that you know him. 

Kaito: *Sigh* You're right. Still though, we should be cautious. 

Izaya: I know, I know.

While waiting Izaya sipped on some soda. 




2 minutes later

The door leading to his office opened. 

Kudo, Shizuo, and Shinra all arrived.

Izaya: Welcome to my office you guys! 

Shizuo glared at Izaya.

Meanwhile, Kaito Kid and Kudo noticed each other. 

Conan: Kaito.

Kaito: Detective.

Shinra: (They really do know each other.)

Shizuo: Alright Izaya, there's no place you can run or hide now. You don't have your little crew to stop me. You and I are going to settle this man to man.

Izaya: I would love to Shizu-chan but this office is pretty small you know. I don't think there'd be room for us to fight. 

Shizuo: I don't care about how small the room is. This just makes beating you up much easier. 

Kaito: What a brute. 

Conan: Kaito, why are you working with Orihara? When did you start working for other people? 

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