{Script 86} Happy Birthday Rook {Hang & Hot Chocolate}

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*Today is Rook's birthday and the listener brought Rook back at the same place they took him last year, the town center. Only this time, they want to take him to a nice place to enjoy some tasty treats and hot chocolate. But Rook seemed to be enjoying the sight a little too much*

Rook: Beautiful lights and this tree is humongous! I've never seen such beauty in this place! *Rook said in an excitable tone*

Listener: Rook honey...we went there last year during your birthday.

Rook: Hehe I know that. Doesn't mean I'll never stop observing this glorious scene! *Rook said loudly while climbing up on the gazebo. Catching some attention to the people around*

Listener: Rook! What the hell are you doing? Your crazy excitement is catching people's attention! *The listener avert their eyes to the ground, getting embarrassed at Rook's behavior*

Little boy: Mommy? Why is this man climbing on the gazebo?

Mother: I don't know dear but let's get out of here. There's too many strange characters in this time of night. *The mother takes her kid's hand and sprinted away*

Security guard: Oh no not this lunatic again. I told him the last time to get down from there. *The security guard took his final smoke of his cigarette and put it in the nearby ashtray* Here the fuck we go with this weirdo.

Security guard: Oi! You there! *The security guard called out to the huntsman*

Rook: Hm? Bonjour monsieur! Beautiful evening we're having! Don't the stars look magnificent! I can look at them all night til morning! *Rook looked up at the sky and smiled*

Listener: Good evening sir....deeply apologies for his behavior.

Security guard: I believe it's his birthday. Am I correct?

Rook: Ooo la la! *Rook jumps down from the gazebo* How did you know that?

Security guard: Because you were here on your last birthday? I thought it was quite obvious.

Rook: What if I was here in any day? *Rook smirked*

Security guard: Oh believe me buddy. I would know. If I hear complaints about a crazy man gawking about beauty and art. I will assume it's you.

Rook: Wait..I remember you! You're the same security guard from last year! *Rook beamed*

Security guard: ....Took him a while. Isn't he a little too young to go senile?

Listener: Trust me, I ask myself the same question. But it's a good thing I love him.

Security guard: If you choose to marry him. Bless by the night to you.

Listener: Bless by the night....why does that sound familiar? Ah! You're a fae??

Security guard: Yup I am a fae.

Listener: Wow...I didn't notice that. I thought the whole time you were a human.

Security guard: Hahaha, you didn't notice because I mostly wear earmuffs. So they're covering my pointy ears.

Listener: I'm surprise you can hear well with these earmuffs.

Security guard: Us faes got good hearing. Even if I don't, I'll still hear troublemakers like...him. *The security guard points at Rook*

Rook: Hehehe~ why thank you.

Security guard: That wasn't a compliment... *He sighed* Just...be on your best behavior and don't disturb any citizens. *He walks away but stops dead on his tracks when Rook "magically" appeared in front of the poor guard* GAH! Weren't you behind me a second ago?! You almost gave me a heart attack.

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