{Script 52} Doodle With Me {Floyd x Listener RP}

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Floyd: Nnnn...Trein's class is so boring~~ I feel like falling asleep.

Y/N: Class hasn't even started and you're already complaining.

Floyd: I have plenty of reasons to complain in this class. What's even the purpose of learning this? This happened many years ago. Like anyone would use history in their day to day life.

Y/N: It's to learn about the history of magic and discovered the world's finest wizards back in the day.

Floyd: Don't you get bored?

Y/N: Well...slightly but I tend to make it fun to learn.

Floyd: By what? Pretending to give a damn?

Y/N: Well I-....yes...

Floyd: It's hard for me to pretend to give a damn while meanwhile it's a huge snore fest. Plus, Professor Trein is so damn strict and cold. His cold stare sends shivers down their spines. *begins to doodle on his textbook*

Y/N: A-Are you suppose to do that?

Floyd: Do what? Doodle? I do it all the time.

Y/N: Floyd, you are ruining school property when you do that.

Floyd: Weren't you paying attention on the first day? We are allowed to keep our textbooks for the rest of our lives. Plus, this is not the textbook I'm using now. I'm using last year's textbook. They give us a text book every year with new subjects. Though, once I graduate. I might just throw them away or use them as a sketchbook, aha~

Y/N: I see...

Floyd: What's the matter? You look like a deer in a headlights when you make that face. Are you afraid to tell me what I'm doing is wrong?

Y/N: ....

Floyd: Why the silence though? Come on, talk to me. Since you like to yammer in my ear. What is it you want to say?

Y/N: Ahaha, yeah no. I changed my mind for what I'm about to say. Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. *laughs nervously*

Floyd: Didn't seem like it. *sighs* I'm bored anyways. *he puts his head down on the desk* So sleepy....Maybe I should just take a nap. Maybe I'll let you help me catch up on my notes. Wake me up when class is over.

Y/N: Floyd...really?

Floyd: Zzzzzzz

Y/N: *sighs* Floyd really..? I can't do mine and yours at the same time. Oh...I guess I'll give you some of my notes. You're lucky I'm doing this to be nice.

Y/N: *they begin to write some notes as Professor Trein is lecturing* Hmmm...interesting. I know magic history class can be boring but I'm intrigued. Ah...Sevens...I sound like a true nerd... *they dropped their magic pen on the floor* Shit... *they go down to find it and noticed it landed under Floyd's desk*

Y/N: You got to be having a laugh...if I wake him up. I'm dead. Well I have no other choice. Whining is not the option. *they go down under Floyd's desk, sneakily trying to get the pen without waking him up*

Floyd: Mmm... *sleepy eel boy noises*

Y/N: Almost got it...just a little more and-

Floyd: Koebi-chan, what are you doing under my desk?

Y/N: *went to sit up but hits their head* DOE!

Y/N: I was just getting my pen. I dropped it on the floor.

Floyd: I was expecting something.

Y/N: Wh-What do you mean? *blush*

Floyd: Hehehehe! You're so dirty minded! Not that kind of something. I mean I thought you would finish my art.

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